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  1. I

    Study: Back Squat produces better glute growth than hip thrust

    @smith1 I run as well and my physio said that my quad strength was contributing to my runners knee and anterior pelvic tilt. So on his advice I stopped squats and started doing isolation exercises like hip thrusts and Romanian deadlifts with a lot of foam rolling and massaging my quads to loosen...
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    Frustrated after 6 months lifting weights

    @cthelight7 Sounds like your doing strong lifts 5x5, while I love it a lot of people do complain that it’s not enough weekly volume for big gains. You might want to incorporate some accessory work. If it’s any consolation I’m the same height and weight as you, my 1RM on bench in 2010 was a 12kg...
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    Workouts for REALLY weak woman?

    @dianad373 Sit on a low chair, then stand up without using your arms. As this gets easier move your backside closer and closer to the edge until it’s just barely touching. Eventually you’ll be able to move through the range of motion for a squat. For running, I started doing 20 minute walks...