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    Will 50 pushups a day make a noticeable difference?

    @lucyt25 I'd make 3-4 sets of pushups, each one to failure. Then rest a day or two, then repeat. Training till you can't do another rep -> muscle growth trigger -> rest, eat and sleep well for recovery -> muscle growth. That's simple and it's been proven to work.
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    Exercises w/ sensitive knee

    @iprayforpeace Bulgarian split squads? Make sure the weght is distributed evenly between the heel and the otward rim of the foot. The knee should also be pointed a little outwards, in line with the toes.
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    Routine for Pull-ups

    @linenthesand I've found that doing 3 full-body sessions a week is enough for a beginner and I still haven't tried split programs after years of weightlifting. As far as pull-ups go, my advice would be: don't overthink and overcomplicate it. I had a regular doorway pull-up bar just around the...