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  1. J

    10365 of 10000 swings DONE in 10 days! 140,752 kg moved; Program report

    @dawn16 Glad you like the swings as well! I chose 12/16 because I wanted to shoot for 1000 non stop and wasn't sure if I'd be able to shoot for that if i went higher. If you see D2 & D4 i didn't make much progress doing the 16. So i decided to work with the 12 and get to longest continuous...
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    Adding KB swings to weightlifting splits

    @salvia123 Do both for a few weeks. Do only one for a few weeks. See how you feel.. choose the one that makes you feel better..
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    10365 of 10000 swings DONE in 10 days! 140,752 kg moved; Program report

    @dawn16 Cheers! I used to feel much this way.. Till I found out i really like swings and they're quite a meditative experience for me. Also most of these workouts were sub 60min, so not long at all...
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    I don't understand S&S strength standards

    @clovertravis Sad you had to waste time with S&S -- I wish it would not be the recommended program in this sub!
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    Hit 300 swings/day! Thanks to all of you for motivation, support, & feedback!

    @tim316 Thanks! Your 300 was an inspiration for me to amp it up!
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    Hit 300 swings/day! Thanks to all of you for motivation, support, & feedback!

    @jekyll Thank you! Your work on the r/kettleballs wiki was a big reason for me to think of higher volume, or I'd have continued with 10x10 for a few more months!
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    10365 of 10000 swings DONE in 10 days! 140,752 kg moved; Program report

    @papijay Yay! Glad you like it! I enjoyed the different variants, trying to squeeze more effort in..
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    The answer was always kettlebells

    @kazzalb Mine too. Have you seen these guys? (Both lift shirtless so it's easy to observe :) And that they attribute 90+% to KB work?
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    10365 of 10000 swings DONE in 10 days! 140,752 kg moved; Program report

    @tim316 Buy the whole set - there are some crazy ideas in there. The conditioning, the martial arts stuff as well.. good entertainment for sure.. and very down to earth.. The man had an insane work ethic and seems to have tried every form of strengthening himself mentally, physically from east...
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    Hit 300 swings/day! Thanks to all of you for motivation, support, & feedback!

    @computersfault Thank you! Loving kb swings - they're almost meditative for me right now..
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    Hit 300 swings/day! Thanks to all of you for motivation, support, & feedback!

    @blakegarcia Me too! Looking forward to seeing if posterior chain strengthening is useful for running :o)
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    10365 of 10000 swings DONE in 10 days! 140,752 kg moved; Program report

    @doni3339 Thank you! Swing mo'!
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    10365 of 10000 swings DONE in 10 days! 140,752 kg moved; Program report

    @greenandwhite Thank you! I got a lot of support and form checks for sure :)
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    The answer was always kettlebells

    @kazzalb Have you seen @loves2readya or @martincy ?
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    Hit 300 swings/day! Thanks to all of you for motivation, support, & feedback!

    Got to 300 swings in a session much sooner than I thought I could :). Context: I'm 5' 8", 127lb, never did anything with weights before Feb 2022. My first form check was on March 17th, about two months ago. Started with S&S, realized I can barely do TGU with a 4kg dumb bell. But the swings...
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    10365 of 10000 swings DONE in 10 days! 140,752 kg moved; Program report

    @mindyy137 Thank you Andrew! I'm now more confident about my cardio and conditioning. So i hope this will help me put more effort into strength gains :)
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    10365 of 10000 swings DONE in 10 days! 140,752 kg moved; Program report

    @rbministries Thank you! It's been fun for sure :)
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    10365 of 10000 swings DONE in 10 days! 140,752 kg moved; Program report

    @singnsuzq Nice! Swings as tonic.. quick short light swings are a nice boost!
  19. J

    10365 of 10000 swings DONE in 10 days! 140,752 kg moved; Program report

    @singnsuzq I loved Bud Jeffries talking about how swings are very underrated as a tool to strengthen and condition. And how long sets of heavy swings basically push you very hard in a very low impact way as well, with no repetitive strain injuries either. I'm thinking that pushing my swings to...
  20. J

    10365 of 10000 swings DONE in 10 days! 140,752 kg moved; Program report

    @rkm I tried more jerks today.. Did 1 on/1 off x 5 with 2x12 1/1 x 5 with 1x12 switching hands 1 min amrap with 2x12 3 min amrap with 1x12 I lost track of the count :/ (somewhere between 3-4 rpm with 2x12, and 10-14 rpm with 1x12) Keeping 2x12 in rack was hard. Which muscles are used for...