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  1. G

    I‘m tired of not getting better at pull-ups

    @roman1982 Interesting. I already superset on upper body days and do three supersets of the same exercise, then do other exercises like rows+dips, rear delt flyes+push ups.
  2. G

    I‘m tired of not getting better at pull-ups

    @equestria Sorry, should have included that. I do upper, lower, core/cardio/handstand focus and repeat, so it‘s twice per week.
  3. G

    I‘m tired of not getting better at pull-ups

    I‘m stuck at 3-8 max reps and the only thing that helps me increase reps is weight loss. I even once or twice got to 10 reps (last ones obv being not with a good form) when I lost the greatest amount of weight. I want to progress. I‘m stuck in this rep range for 1.5 years or so. I‘m tired of...
  4. G

    Should this forum create a ‘Recommended Warmup’ routine?

    @menacebysociety Absolutely! There is so much out there that it‘s hard for me to decide what warm ups I should do, so I‘d be very happy about a well structured recommended warm up routine from here!