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  1. B

    Kid refused to spot me today, so I returned the favor

    @livingme7 I agree, but I’ve learned to just let them go through that stage on their own. The vast majority of people don’t react well to lifting advice at the gym no matter how you approach them. However, if I see something actually dangerous I’ll always say something - I’ve seen some rather...
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    Kid refused to spot me today, so I returned the favor

    @aeri20 Most of the "kids" at my gym have no concept of gym etiquette or how to behave around other gym-goers - and it's much worse when there are a group of them, they tend to feed off of each others bad behavior. The good thing is that most of them burn out in a few weeks when they realize...
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    Looking for advice , resources, tips or encouragement on overcoming definition plateaus and bodybuilding

    @zach2 It's a long road for sure. I've been lifting for about 10 years now with very few breaks - at least one bulk/cut cycle a year if not multiple, started at 150lbs @ 6'2" and ended up around 230(ish). I do have visible abs at that bodyweight, but I'm lucky and they show up at higher than...
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    is this normal or am I doing something wrong? feel like I'm getting smaller. is this body dysmorhia?

    @macherieamour No, I don't think it's body dysmorphia - it just sounds like a bad body self-image, which isn't uncommon for novices or even intermediates during a cut. Lifters often expect to shed a few pounds and look like they have been lifting for a decade - but what actually happens is...
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @directork If you are able to rep weighted dead-hangs at your bodyweight +85 lbs your lats are plenty strong and developed. However, you are probably like me and might have very high insertions. Another issue, at least for me, is that one of the areas I hold fat is on the sides of my pecs in a...
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    Triceps tendonitis/tendopathy for over 1,5yrs

    @jonojim1337 Interesting that this just came up - I've had a lot of experience dealing with this in my elbows, "golfers" and "tennis", double whammy. The first time I encountered this it started with both elbows as a deep ache on both sides that turned quite painful doing most pulls. I pushed...
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    Overcoming body dysmorphia?

    @mrseedsower I'd classify this as more being overly critical of yourself. Someone who is truly body dysmorphic wouldn't typically describe their body with "...a well developed physique, specifically upper body" type of language. They would more likely claim they had made no gains and were much...
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    10 Things I Learned After Lifting For 8 Years As a Natural

    @mikael85 I'm an older lifter now - jeez, time does fly, lol... and listening to my body and recognizing when I need extra recovery or a deload has been the hardest lesson I've had to learn. This pandemic really let that sink in for me. I had to pare down my workouts to just an hour - my gym...
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    6'3/M/20 - 187 lbs, 13-15% BF - My goal is to get to 243 lbs (110 kg) and 8-10% BF, would appreciate advice!

    @luxchmi So, your goal is to be bigger than Arnold in his prime, without doing the drugs or being a genetic freak like he was, and you want to do this in five years. I guess it’s great to have goals - but honestly, lofty goals like this almost always either end up burning folks out, causing them...
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    Anyone have their numbers of muscle to body fat % lost during cuts? How is it regaining lost muscle post cut?

    @orchardllc How are you getting these numbers? They seem rather specific - like the numbers spit out by a bathroom bioimpedance scale or the ones they have in some gyms... if so, those numbers are absolutely worthless. Personally, I use the mirror and gauge muscle loss in relation to my lifts...
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    Anyone have their numbers of muscle to body fat % lost during cuts? How is it regaining lost muscle post cut?

    @leena2016 or even a pic of what this machine says 13.8% body fat looks like - 13%, contrary to what a lot of people here seem to think, is rather ripped. You won't be contest lean, but compared to the average gym rat, you should be highly vascular, clean muscle separation and have well defined...
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    Haven’t made much progress on lifts on physique even after bulking. Is there something wrong with my program or is it something else?

    @melimeli2210 PHAT is a lot of volume for some people - you may be running into recovery issues. I look at a day in the gym like it's one step back, and recovery as a step (and a nudge) forward. If you aren't recovering enough from the stimulus it's just one step back one step forward, spinning...