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  1. W

    Sunday Show Off + AMA Announcement: Daniel Vadnal of FitnessFAQs will be answering questions on December 21st!

    @groo101 Yeah--usually when I see single-leg squat progressions described, the shrimp squat is said to be harder than the pistol. So I was surprised that they are quite a bit easier for me (I can do it on each leg without a counterbalance, while I can only do the pistol on my strong leg and...
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    Sunday Show Off + AMA Announcement: Daniel Vadnal of FitnessFAQs will be answering questions on December 21st!

    @groo101 Thanks very much for the birthday wishes! The birthday was (and continues to be--it has been a birthday long weekend) awesome. The feats of strength did not exactly materialize in the way I anticipated because other activities (eating, drinking, family-time, etc.) got in the way a...
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    Sunday Show Off + AMA Announcement: Daniel Vadnal of FitnessFAQs will be answering questions on December 21st!

    @ukubird Sweet work on the L-sit--but don't break your counter top.
  4. W

    Routine check: I've split the recommended routine to a P/P/L with a few added excersises

    @moonbeams Is this the arms-extended pushing exercise you are thinking of?: