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  1. D

    Body Fat Percentage and the DEXA Scan

    @kazcat This isn't exactly true. A DEXA scan still uses an algorithm to calculate a BF% from the data it receives, which can vary significantly. Check out the section in this reference I posted on errors: ... And it goes on from there...
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    Rhonda Rousey: her weigh-in weight vs her fight weight - a visual (x-post r/pics)

    @bringmeback They do that though to cut weight very very quickly. The physique on the left is absolutely maintainable and not unhealthy, it's just the route to get there quickly that isn't a good idea. I'd say the most salient points here are that a) peak fighting shape for a top athlete looks...
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 6 and Quarter 2 Updates

    @jesusislord9 That's the spirit :)
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    12-Week Challenge: Week 5 Update

    @wheelgirl :( thoughts and well-wishes to you and your husband Fitness is taking care of yourself and treating your body well. Sometimes that means working out and eating great, sometimes that means doing whatever you can to make it through a tough time. There's nothing to be ashamed of there...
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    How long b/f you could do a pull-up

    @numenorian So this is wrong, but in my skimming of the responses I didn't see anyone giving you the correct reason. Bodyweight multipliers are not a great equalizer, they inherently favor smaller lifters. The reason is that muscle strength is proportional to its cross-sectional area, whereas...
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 10 Update

    @immortalzealot We'll be doing something for sure. I've been thinking about different formats to increase the success rate and make it something more people can get in on. I'm leaning towards having a new sheet every month, so hopefully people will be more willing to overlook setbacks and get...
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    [FORM CHECK] Squat 135lbs

    @nicobaz low bar
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    How to ignore your scale: 130lbs to 130lbs in just a year and a half!

    @dawn16 Slow progress is wonderful as long as it's steady progress. If you're going in the right direction, and if your body feels good and not stressed, don't change what isn't broken! When your progress starts stalling or it starts feeling like a huge grind, look into reverse dieting. The...
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    How to ignore your scale: 130lbs to 130lbs in just a year and a half!

    @dawn16 It really depends on a lot of things. What are your lifts and how long have you been lifting (how trained are you?). Are you still making progress on a linear progression, adding 5 lbs every time you go, or are you having difficulty progressing from one workout to the next? How many...
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    Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

    @1seekingknowlege This post is basically preaching to the choir; a shitpost. No one here treats protein powder like that.
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    Dexa scan results for me, a 5'6", 183 lb 35-year-old weightlifter. Spoilers: 39.1% body fat

    @armmot Especially as a woman, you don't want to be anywhere near that amount. Remember that you can be accumulating Mercury and doing subtle damage without showing full blown symptoms of Mercury poisoning. I wouldn't eat more than a can, maybe two, per week and 0 when pregnant.
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    How to ignore your scale: 130lbs to 130lbs in just a year and a half!

    @john1277 Fantastic progress, congrats! This is like a poster for illustrating fitness principles. Ever day there are a handful of posts from people trying to lift and lose weight on a deficit, wondering why their body composition is changing and they are getting stronger but the scale isn't...
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    12-Week Challenge: Week 5 Update

    Week 5 (5/2 - 5/9) It's time to add your update for week 5 of the 12-week challenge! Next week we will be half way through and checking in with benchmarks and a quarterly summary. Are you on track to meet your goals? Quick links to all weekly update forms are now also available on the front...
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    [FORM CHECK] Squat 135lbs

    @jada11 Even in your 45 lb squats you aren't getting to depth by at least 6" so definitely continue to work on that. It looks like you could angle your toes out a bit more and really shove your knees out wide to help you get more depth. Here's a good example. At 135 you are tipping forward...
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    Dexa scan results for me, a 5'6", 183 lb 35-year-old weightlifter. Spoilers: 39.1% body fat

    @calledoutone This is a very popular infographic for helping you chose fish that are high in healthy fats but low in mercury.
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 8 Update

    @maxicastag The goals don't really matter, the point is just to keep working to improve your fitness for 12 weeks, even when stuff doesn't go quite as planned. That's life; setbacks happen, goals change. Doesn't matter, keep striving :)
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 6 and Quarter 2 Updates

    @giantgardener RIGHT?! You don't even have to do anything and you can skip weeks. IDK. 40% of the people who signed up didn't make a week 1 update. Blows my mind. All you people who are kicking ass make it worth the effort to put together the spread sheet though. Super proud of all of you!
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 8 Update

    @icocguy That doesn't sound rough at all ;) Christ if I thought a 12 week challenge meant I couldn't relax and enjoy a vacation week, I'd never sign up!
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 8 Update

    @kevinpeter Hey, that's a lot for having a Q exam coming up! Nice work, pat yourself on the back.