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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 10 Update

    @dawn16 Congrats!!
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 6 and Quarter 2 Updates

    @billkinca I would take it as a sign to take the stairs ;)
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    [FORM CHECK] (Cross post from r/fitness.) Please can you help me ...desperate to squat injury free !

    @laurimays Disagree. If anything it looks like her knees collapse inward a bit as she's pushing out of the hole. Agree strongly, however, that we need a side view.
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    Meet Report: 452lbs at 105lbs, or 205.5kg at 48kg

    @yovi1972 For me it's just a matter of mental cueing and learning to engage/strengthen the correct muscles. The cue that really made it click for me was to imagine a quarter under the outside edge of each heel, then to try to smash the quarter into the ground while you squat. Here's a great...
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 8 Update

    @bubblegum2021 That is so fucking awesome, congrats!! When I finally managed to kick a bad habit about two years ago, I knew I would make it once I got through the first few weeks, because every time the thought of doing the thing came into my head, I'd think "well I can't do that, I've made it...
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 10 Update

    Week 10 (6/6 - 6/13) Updates Another week down! Check out the entry lookup page on the spreadsheet and see how far you've come. What are your goals for the last two weeks of the challenge? Week 10 Update Form If you've missed a prior week, you can find the form links below, as well as on the...
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    How long b/f you could do a pull-up

    @ambitiouspoetry Lat pull-downs
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 8 Update

    @novembermike Nice! What are you running?
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    Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

    @theeternaliam Those are some vague qualitative adjectives there :) "Excessive" protein is not clearly defined. 1 g/lb is, in fact, excessive, but saying that much is "extremely harmful" for a young adult is hyperbole. It puts a bit more stress on the kidneys, for sure. Pushing it up to 1.5 -...
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    Remember: You don't NEED Protein Powder (x-post /r/fitness)

    @folashade Oh yay, glad I'm not the only one spamming this link everywhere :) I think we've gotten pretty good in this sub at least at recommending 0.8 g/lb, with 0.6 g/lb being "okay" but probably not quite optimal (as opposed to zomg you're so protein deficient). I mostly just see the 1 g/lb...
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    DEXA results: 27 F/5'3"/142 lbs/27.4% body fat

    @122r Thank you for posting this! I love seeing the variety of sizes and shapes that the healthy human body can assume, and I think the mindset you have about your body and training could use more airtime around these parts.
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 8 Update

    Week 8 (5/23 - 5/30) Updates You know the drill! Tell us about your week. Good or bad, you just have to fill out the form :) Week 8 Update Form If you've missed a prior week, you can find the form links below, as well as on the Entry Lookup page of the spreadsheet. Week 7, Week 6, Week 5...
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    DEXA w/ photos and videos [5'4.5"/115lbs/25.8%]

    @ruky Really interesting to me the differences in how the fat is distributed between you and /@amydoodles. It's like all of your fat mass is in your hips and thighs, whereas hers was more evenly distributed all over. Neat! People are cool. Thanks for posting.
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 6 and Quarter 2 Updates

    Week 6 (5/9 - 5/16) and Quarter 2 (4/25 - 5/16) Updates Here we are, half-way through the 12-week challenge! About 25% of the initial entrees are still with us. Whose going to tough it out the remaining 6 weeks? Once again, we have a more detailed quarterly update for this week. This is the...
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    Female lifter squats 496lbs at 182lbs body weight

    @dawn16 That'll happen when you're squatting almost 3 times your body weight.