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    I’m so tired of hearing “it’s not like they’re going to the games...”

    @devonian Heard this is the thread for people butthurt about the Open, and also other people's opinions? You're letting it get to ya, bud. Make sure your homestead consists of upstanding people and count that as a success. Coming in here and writing in a terribly upset tone, pointing fingers at...
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    HWPO 2023 pro roster announced!

    @kaitlyn764 No, I didn't expect her to. Because Haley Adams does not have the same relationship with the HWPO organisation, outside hanging out with Mal O'Brien. Both Barnhart and Kwant have been coached by Harry Palley, whom made the move from CompTrain to HWPO. It stands to reason they would...
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    Europe & Asia Day Semi-final Weekend Discussion Thread

    @giftsigns I suppose what you can say is that Laura Horvath is perhaps not exceptional at the pure endurance movements. But she's still at worst decent, and at best very good. However, she doesn't truly shine until the power and strength-related movements come into play, much like Gabriella...
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    Do you take Creatine, l-glutamine, and BCAA on rest days?

    @leorock This is what you do: Creatine - 5g daily. When doesn't matter. Beta-alanine - 3-5g daily for a month. Then once weekly as your carnosine levels are now peaked and only need maintaining. l-glutamine - the hype that existed a decade or two ago has subsided quite a lot. I personally...
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    CrossFit Filthy 150 - Saturday Discussion Thread

    @lucb Oi! Us Euros are allowed one of those events a year. You know, the one event where people pronounce our names correctly, and drink way too much coffee; also where half of all athletes look bewildered if you use a word like "quintessential".
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games - IE9: Hat Trick Discussion Thread

    @bri1990 They're trying to churn up excitement around the leaders. Within each workout there has to be a narrative, otherwise it's just pure play-by-play which is useless. We saw the same thing back when Mat Fraser or Rich Froning were in the overall lead, but falling behind on a workout.
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games - IE9: Hat Trick Discussion Thread

    @bigred60 They have done this before plenty of times, and we can only speculate as to the reason. I do not think it is malice towards him, since he's a popular athlete.
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games - IE9: Hat Trick Discussion Thread

    @bigred60 One reason could be that Malheiros may have walked off, been too far away, and so they grab a person of interest they can get to within the brief moment they have.
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    Wodapalooza Day 2

    @jackaharts Danielle Brandon has dropped sour comments during competition, but she has never thrown an actual tantrum. Let's not paint the devil where there is no such sin.
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games - IE9: Hat Trick Discussion Thread

    @cecilia102 He may have walked off already, having finished his workout. They grab a person of interest they can get to within moments.
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    All the Taint

    @sarahjamison19 Back off, rookie! The caffeine veterans know what's good for us.
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    Europe & Asia Day Semi-final Weekend Discussion Thread

    @giftsigns Dependent on programming. The requisite events where endurance sports play a factor, i.e. water, cycling, running, and maybe something else may put a damper on her performance. Top 10 contender? Without a doubt. Outright winner? Maybe. Competition is fierce and she doesn't have an...
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    Looking for Swedish CrossFitters

    @mike1911 Lycka till, @mike1911!