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  1. S

    Someone help with U/L split.

    @ibelieveintheonlyson Eh, just find a 3 day routine at that point. As a beginner, a 3 day full body routine will still do wonders for your physique and strength.
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    Someone help with U/L split.

    @krueman Hell yeah, homie 🤙 if you ever have any questions feel free to hit me up. I’m not an expert at fuckin all but I was lost as hell for a good while when working out and trying to figure out what was what. One major word of advice: don’t overthink it. Lifting heavy circles is all you...
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    Someone help with U/L split.

    @krueman I like this one a lot too but id get rid of dumbbell floor presses. They’re useless imo. I’d add another bicep exercise or lateral raises again. Planks should be replaced with crunches. Planks don’t do shit, if your goal is hypertrophy. Decline crunches are amazing for ab growth.
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    Someone help with U/L split.

    @krueman I’m more partial to the first because you hit everything twice a week. You can still see progress on the second of course (hence why people still see gains on a bro split). Usually 3 day splits are best for full body splits.
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    Someone help with U/L split.

    @krueman As a beginner, you can do anything and see progress but it’s very important to establish to proper habits from the get go because once shit gets hard it gets hard.
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    Someone help with U/L split.

    @krueman I mean this as kindly as possible dude but this is absolute ass LMAO. Like don’t get me wrong you’ll hit a decent amount of muscles but this seems thrown together rather than intelligently designed. Just follow an established routine, homie. PHUL is solid, though may be a bit much. I...
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    Best place to cheaply stock up on athleticwear?

    @blotovdaniel I just thrift or get cheap shit at target or Walmart. Who cares what you’re wearing ya know
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    Is this a good workout plan for creating v taper as well as overall good muscle mass?

    @rlaguisma Oh I forgot to actually answer the question. Yes, this would get overall good muscle mass. The V taper is highly dependent on genetics though. Your overall shoulder width and how thin your waist is is solely based on your bone structure really. But being low body fat percentage...
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    Is this a good workout plan for creating v taper as well as overall good muscle mass?

    @rlaguisma let me know if you have any questions. The major things that matter is eating your macros (protein), consistency, progressive overloading (more weights or reps each week), and enough quality sleep (sleep is when your body actually builds the muscle. The point of lifting is subjecting...
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    Is this a good workout plan for creating v taper as well as overall good muscle mass?

    Part III Legs I hate leg day tbh though lately I’ve been enjoying the suffering. You CANNOT just do leg extensions, trust me. You’ll look goofy. Leg day is decently simple though. All you really need is a deadlift variation, something to hit hamstrings, quads, glutes and calves. If you really...
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    Is this a good workout plan for creating v taper as well as overall good muscle mass?

    Part II Pull You need three things for back: a vertical pull, horizontal pull, and a pull from below. Each of these works a different section a bit more but most rowing movements, for example, really work all of your back. Just a little bit will take over more depending on elbow position...
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    Is this a good workout plan for creating v taper as well as overall good muscle mass?

    @rlaguisma Sorry, I forgot to elaborate after work. First off, is this a bro split where you hit each of these one muscle group per day? You can do this but it’s better to hit each muscle group twice a week. Secondly: Chest These 4 exercises are really all you need. Do two on one day and...
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    Is this a good workout plan for creating v taper as well as overall good muscle mass?

    @rlaguisma This is ass Ngl. I can elaborate when I’m off work. This reeks of overthinking and not understanding proper volume. Edit: wasn’t actually ass tbh. My comment kinda comes off as judgy rather than sarcastic. Has a solid foundation to it.