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  1. C

    12-Week Challenge: Week 5 Update

    @rationalfaith Good for you for not eating all the chocolate!! I can be an emotional eater when family stuff gets bad so I have an idea of how proud you must feel right now :) a food scale is your bff if you're comfortable with measuring and counting! Also yay for muscles. You had an awesome...
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    Has anyone here hit your body goal before reaching your weight loss goal?

    @pankey6288 Firstly, thank you! And I think that's where I'm at right now--time to reevaluate my goals. I'm so glad your mother changed her goals after hearing what your weight is. Whenever I see a woman who is my height and weighs ~120lb and looks bomb af, I get really excited and remind...
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    Has anyone here hit your body goal before reaching your weight loss goal?

    @dawn16 Good for you. I think being happy at 20lb higher than your original ideal weight is a big win.
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    Has anyone here hit your body goal before reaching your weight loss goal?

    @shovon27 I am so happy for you! I bet you that you're happier at 148 because of that bulk--you put on muscle which made you look better at a higher weight than your original lower ideal. Same thing happened to me. I've been 125 before, but I looked really fluffy, which I didn't like. Now at...
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    12-Week Challenge: Week 5 Update

    @denice65 Ah, I missed this week's update! Well, last week was great. Lifts were on point, cardio was good, and diet was real good! Weight is still the same, but that's okay, because I feel good about my work ethic, and eventually the results will show
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    Has anyone here hit your body goal before reaching your weight loss goal?

    @dawn16 Haha I love eating too! Glad to hear about your experience :)
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    Has anyone here hit your body goal before reaching your weight loss goal?

    @boxjamming Thank you for your reply. I can relate to this section so much: I used to be the EXACT same. But, like you said, with running and lifting, you tend to look better proportioned at a higher weight. I appreciate your last part. My squat, for instance, went from 65 to 150 in the last...
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 8 Update

    @icocguy Hey, you were on vacation, you had every right to indulge! Once you get back on track with your diet and training and you're drinking lots of water, you'll feel brand new. Good for you for that run!
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    Has anyone here hit your body goal before reaching your weight loss goal?

    @jimntrisha This makes me so happy!! Good for you. Keep being awesome and strong :)
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    Has anyone here hit your body goal before reaching your weight loss goal?

    In light of @coy post yesterday, has anyone had the opposite experience of achieving their body goal before reaching their weight goal? I am 5'0" at 125-126lb/57kg, and my goal weight for years has been 115lb/52kg, but the body I have now is pretty close to he one I've been striving...
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 8 Update

    @dawn16 Thank you so damn much
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 10 Update

    @denice65 I had a great week of nutrition and training. Had a squat PR and a deadlift rep PR. Also, I bought an app that helps me track my training so now there is no excuse for me to forget to record my progress. Also, just a PSA for anyone who worries about the scale: It was my birthday on...
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 8 Update

    @denice65 Well, my four-year-long relationship ended this week. Usually, when I'm as upset as I've been, I give up on the gym and barely eat. But I pushed through and it paid off. I took an extra rest day, and I made sure to hit my macros & micros and drink lots of water. Despite all this stress...
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 6 and Quarter 2 Updates

    @cowboysfan22 Are you me? Seriously. Same feels here. Congrats on the .5lb loss!! As a fellow small woman (5'1"), .5lb loss is exciting as hell. Keep it up:)
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    [12-Week Challenge] Week 6 and Quarter 2 Updates

    @denice65 I had another week that I'm proud of! Was consistent with my macros and training. I had a squats PR today which was so fucking exciting. Going for heavier weight on Wednesday, so we'll see. My body weight isn't budging but it's whatever. My clothes fit good, I feel strong, and if I...