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    How much do you pay for your CrossFit gym?

    @spiritchill We pay for $100 for me unlimited and $75 for my wife to go three days a week
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    what’s everyone’s go-to (lame) joke at the gym?

    @elsiejo Coach: Everybody ready?! Me: No but let's do it anyway.
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    I’m the crying girl

    @whitehorse First and foremost, getting the shin shred out of the way early is a badge of honor. Secondly, you're not the only cryer. My wife uses Crossfit as a form of therapy and there are times where she'll have something big on her mind and halfway through the workout, she'll be processing...
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    24.1 and ego

    @mike24 My favorite part about crossfit is that it's almost as much about strategy as it is fitness. Knowing when to pace and when to go all out definitely matters. As far as whether you should have done the open or not, my favorite part about it is that it gives you something to compare...
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    what’s everyone’s go-to (lame) joke at the gym?

    @elsiejo Coach after explaining the workout: Ok cool. Any questions? Me: Why are you mad at us?
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    Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

    @discolee What worked for me was committing to doing 25 every single night no matter what. I started doing literally 25 singles nightly and slowly worked my way up.
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    Worst WODs for a newbie

    @wallybazoum Same! FGB is my favorite!