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    CrossFit and CNS Fatigue

    @oneworld A single doctor over a systematic review of 65 studies? Interesting choice…
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    Steroid Users Forever Have an Advantage

    @pjvermont Sample size seems to fit the analysis. What’d your power analysis say?
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    How I build a base phase for QF crossfit athlete

    @g2perk By the nature of selection, a lot of people won’t qualify for QF. But to assume that all of those people went through the whole year doing 5/6 workouts a week with the necessary intensity and not cherry picking, along with the other aspects like eating to perform, is a false assumption...
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    Behind The Scenes BTS w/ Sevan

    @skelendke I’m sure there will be, but (outside of maybe DB and Hopper) are any of the regulars people who will vie for the podium? Admittedly I don’t follow Sevan’s pod so I’m not up to date on who are the regulars. But in years past, he’d get a ton of content from those who were projected to...
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    CrossFit and CNS Fatigue

    @maggiebode Did you check the sources? Guzey is a pretty well known skeptic in the area and lists all his sources which Walker doesn’t. Check those sources, the primary research and meta analysis, and you’ll see the data doesn’t support the narrative.
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    Am I too heavy?

    @kutloello How old are you? A >10% increase in bodyweight of muscle is something that would require some of the Craig Richey Special if you’re just sprinkling in structured hypertrophy training.
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    How I build a base phase for QF crossfit athlete

    @g2perk But that’s a construct and narrative built by the individual programming industry. I say this being someone who does individual programming. There is no shame in having the ultimate goal of QF. But physiologically speaking, everything can be attained in normal programming. There is no...
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    CrossFit and CNS Fatigue

    @oneworld This is categorically false. EDIT: Here is a detailed refutation of the most prominent sleep authors on the market. Follow the sources to find that there is no evidence supporting the need for 7-9. It’s a noble lie.
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    How I build a base phase for QF crossfit athlete

    @g2perk The open is simply a low-/medium-skill capacity test. There MIGHT be a small component of heavy barbell, but for the most part it tests energy systems because it has to be accessible. CrossFit is primarily a conditioning program with a small aspect of strength. I’ve been in the scene...
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    Behind The Scenes BTS w/ Sevan

    @grace4nan Probably because Dave was out and is back in now. As much of a good move as it was to bring him back, they didn’t have to and I assume Dave understands that. He’s probably going to be a little more careful with some of the stuff that would’ve been “fuck it” decisions before.
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    Steroid Users Forever Have an Advantage

    @jewelpet But this is showing that the effects don’t go away after stopping.
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    How I build a base phase for QF crossfit athlete

    @g2perk Honestly, QF is attainable through general programming. Assumptions being that the individual is mindful in the workouts, all the fitness needed to get to the QF can be found in an hour a day, five or six days a week.
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    Rogue Intentionally Infringes on Molly Metz Jump Rope Patent Government Rigs the System in Favor of Big Business

    @mcewan_15 Yeah, but are they MILSPEC? Both high speed and low drag?
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    Nick Mathew’s shirt…

    @swaninthewilderness CF could instill a fining system like other major sports. Legitimize the sport and give athletes the ability to do what they want.
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    Behind The Scenes BTS w/ Sevan

    @starlight54 What I’m interested in is how the new guard will perceive him. Many of the people who he would riff with are gone. I enjoyed the BTS for the most part, but with Sevan’s ties not being so tight since GG is gone I wonder if people will treat him differently. I’m not sure people...
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    Relationships and CrossFit

    @sherryanne Probably head over to r/relationship_advice and see what they have to say.
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    Anyone remember “The Pill” and what event it was?

    Dynamax is just now selling them as “SLOG”, and Sam Dancer did a workout for mainsite a few years ago using one…but they were called “The Pill” in a CFG event that I can’t remember. Anyone remember?
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games Thursday Teams/Age Group/Adaptive Discussion Thread

    @jonjones229 Someone should tell this kid out in front that those mouthpieces only work if you keep them in your mouth.
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    How I build a base phase for QF crossfit athlete

    @dawn16 6’5 might be tough, but at 6’3 I was able see my fair share of success. 5’-mid is a nice height for barbell cycling and gymnastics, but there have always been a few biggies. Cell net and Fikowski now. Tommy Hack, Chad McKay, EZ, Royce…they’re there if you’re looking.
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games Thursday Teams/Age Group/Adaptive Discussion Thread

    @jonjones229 These adaptive commentators are, by far, the best so far.