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  1. D

    Concept Wednesday - The Minimalist Routine

    @rdmarita Just what /@queenofhearts1992-Minion said, plus it incorporates those single leg training and balance components. More bang for your buck, more efficient. It also leaves more room for growth without changing exercise, as lunges are more muscularly demanding for most people, so will...
  2. D

    Concept Wednesday - The Minimalist Routine

    Movement variety is okay too. If you don't care about progressing these in a timely manner, you can mix up the variation you do each round. 1 - Walking lunge. 2 - Reverse lunge. 3 - Side lunge. 1 - Standard push up. 2 - Close hands push up. 3 - Slightly wide push up. 1 - Palms up row. 2 -...
  3. D

    Concept Wednesday - The Minimalist Routine

    Not everyone who exercises is training for a goal. Non-organised movement and haphazard approaches to exercise can fit the motivations of many people perfectly. For some, the metrics most of us are interested in tracking, particularly skills here, measures of strength, or flexibility, are just...
  4. D

    Concept Wednesday - Cluster Sets

    @dawn16 As in you'd take no special intra-set rest, but just use the 8 second eccentric as the rest between each individual rep? I'd say it could work depending on: what you're working on, and how demanding the eccentric action is. Either way, it definitely sounds like a different beast than...
  5. D

    Concept Wednesday - Cluster Sets

    @shediac If you missed the jab in that one, maybe you're dumber than I thought... ;)
  6. D

    Concept Wednesday - Cluster Sets

    @shediac Great observation. I'd like to add though that the protocol you're working with is still focussed on strength, just through a new ROM. Don't try to separate strength and flexibility, they're fast friends. In this instance you're just working on strength in a non-traditional range, which...
  7. D

    Concept Wednesday - Cluster Sets

    What is a Cluster Set? A cluster set is a set where the total number of reps is broken down into smaller clusters of reps and split apart with short periods of intra-set rest. For instance, instead of performing 9 reps in a constant repetition fashion, you could perform the set in 3 clusters...