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    48M kind of disappointed in 2-years' gym progress. Maybe I need some help

    @nowhereman What is your diet like?
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    How much money per month do you invest on fitness?

    @defd2000 Protein powder is a convenience but not a necessity. Chicken breast is very high in protein and makes it easy to reach my protein needs for the day. It’s relatively cheap. You also probably don’t need unlimited classes if you want to build muscle. Find a hypertrophy program and stick...
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    Anyone here have success with growing their legs (quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves) that weren’t already naturally big?

    @xcept68 Increase your squat and deadlift. Eat in a slight surplus. Your legs will grow
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    Good, cheap protein on Amazon and a heart rate monitor that actually works and doesn’t cost $500?

    @ms7dc If you have access to Aldi’s their protein is like $18 a tub. Its not too bad
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    Anyone here have success with growing their legs (quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves) that weren’t already naturally big?

    @dreuter032003 This or you can get shoes with a raised heel. That helped me a lot with my form
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    Thoughts on Thomas Delauer's Macro's: 225g Potein | 100g Carbs | 100g Fat @180lbs

    @jonathang43 So does the tren and test and whatever other PEDs he’s running
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    M/38/5'8 [178lbs to 148lbs] 11-month progress

    @shinzm Yeah it helps you get an extra rep or so. It’s more beneficial to people who don’t eat red meat. That’s where it comes from
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    M/38/5'8 [178lbs to 148lbs] 11-month progress

    @shinzm Nice job. In my experience Creatine adds about 5 pounds or so to my bodyweight.
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    They say old guys shouldn’t lift heavy weights

    @maxmanroe Sick push press. And 48 isn’t old at all. It’s only old for people who haven’t taken care of themselves. I’ve seen 30 year olds who are already washed
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    Can't lose weight on 1500 calorie diet

    @crosswise I would think you aren’t tracking properly also at 167 at your height you’re probably pretty lean already. I would do a bulk imo
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    They say old guys shouldn’t lift heavy weights

    @tongdtbds3 True. My brother in law is 41, can’t even stand up from kneeling or sitting on the floor
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    Should I eat 60g of protein or 259g?

    @nowhereman 1g per pound of bodyweight is a good rule of thumb. It accounts for you eating complete and incomplete proteins
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    Possible to be in good cardio shape but very fat?

    @tongdtbds3 That makes sense. You could be in the “normal” bmi range but have a poor body composition and vice versa. I suppose it can be useful for some in conjunction with other markers of health.
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    Possible to be in good cardio shape but very fat?

    @tongdtbds3 I think bmi is a bad measurement. For instance my bmi is 26+ and I’m sub 15% body fat. My VO2 is about 40 but I haven’t really trained specifically to raise it
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    Strength training vs running for fat loss?

    @pero Lifting is superior to cardio. Cardio only burns calories while you’re doing it, building muscle will raise your BMR
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    How much calories/protein should I eat to gain muscle? 25 F

    @guariglio8195 1g per pound of bodyweight is a good rule of thumb
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    I need help deciding if this workout should only be done once a week or if I lack a high fitness levellevel

    @swan617 HIIT isn’t necessary for fat loss or weight maintenance. It can be difficult to recover from. If you enjoy it, by all means keep doing it but spread it out
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    Struggling with eating … too many sweets

    @radiantjedichica Yeah I think salt does something similar too and certain fats. Its ok to eat these things sometimes but there has to be a balance there