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  1. J

    New 12-Week Fitness Challenge?

    @ianfaith Sounds good to me!
  2. J

    New 12-Week Fitness Challenge?

    @dawn16 Last time there was no specific criteria. You don't even have to enter your weight if you don't want to. It was just asked to enter goals. Suggested they be specific and attainable.
  3. J

    Meet Report: 452lbs at 105lbs, or 205.5kg at 48kg

    @ruky Yeah, I was thinking about that as well (so many programs!) since it goes by RPE which could account for tired days. At first I was a but intimidated by all the new terminology but the more I've been reading it the more it makes sense.
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    Dexa scan results for me, a 5'6", 183 lb 35-year-old weightlifter. Spoilers: 39.1% body fat

    @jamestucker IMO, the dexa scan should be used just as any other method of measurement: for benchmarks in progress.. It is kind of cool to see that your head weighs 6% of your weight (currently). Good luck on your cut! I would say that you should probably limit the length of your cut so that...
  5. J

    Meet Report: 452lbs at 105lbs, or 205.5kg at 48kg

    @ruky This week, I'm doing some conditioning and dynamic work to see if I can survive adding back in some running. I might do a powerlifting variation of 5/3/1 I set up based off of Izzy's recommendations starting next week. I can share the spreadsheet when I get home. I've been bouncing around...
  6. J

    Meet Report: 452lbs at 105lbs, or 205.5kg at 48kg

    @ruky Oh man, do I know how you feel about that last day of DLs before competing. I just had my first meet and my bench and deadlift regressed from my gym PRs set before running Candito as well. I think most peaking programs are fairly difficult on a cut anyway. (Also, I don't believe the...
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    12 WEEK FITNESS CHALLENGE!!! *updated from previous with suggestions!!* GOOGLE FORM TRACKING! START: JAN 12

    @saved071275 So like, this is over in just over a week, isn't it?
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    X-post r/progresspics: 25/5'2"/170-125-130: fat to skinny fat to fit. 4 years

    @oceanskk I know what you mean. I began lifting in high school into college as well for sports (so, for a decade or so), and was on-and-off for months at a time since then. It wasn't a "main" focus until this past 6 months or so. I'm just jealous you hit 265. I couldn't get that off the floor my...
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    X-post r/progresspics: 25/5'2"/170-125-130: fat to skinny fat to fit. 4 years

    @oceanskk Daaang, 265 DL at 130# is LEGIT. When did you actually start lifting? That's pretty amazing progress. Edit: I just realized, I subscribe to this guy already because of Eo3. I never gave the paid programming any thought. Please let us know what you think of it after a month or so!