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    Feeling like I don't look like I workout

    @lorune Excuse my ignorance but what is nSuns 🤔
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    How to feel my best in a bikini in 2 weeks

    @mdlooking4 I’m impressed how high your protein is for the calories! What do you usually eat?
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    Feeling like I don't look like I workout

    @teatimebabe28 LMAO the zoom meeting 😂 brb taking notes on how to get my coworkers to notice I’m jacked as hell
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    Petite people: what do you consume to get enough protein for muscle building?

    @missveronica Yes, as she said you’ll have to have an idea of what your body fat percentage is, which you’ll then multiply by total body weight to get total pounds of fat. Total fat subtracted from total body weight gives you lean muscle mass :)
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    Petite people: what do you consume to get enough protein for muscle building?

    @vman8r Hi, I don’t at the moment honestly, that guideline is what was told to me by my trainer! I’ll try and reach out and see what references he was going off of.
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    Petite people: what do you consume to get enough protein for muscle building?

    @vman8r This is kind of a tangent and not answering your question (there are already some great answers here), but depending on your body fat percentage, the rule of thumb you’re using might overestimate your protein requirement. The higher your BF % the more likely you are to be overestimating...
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    Feeling like I don't look like I workout

    @hendricks62 There are so many tall girls in this thread and I am here for it
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    2.5 year calisthenics transformation from nothing

    @calebminson Do you have a favorite of the plant based protein powders? The ones I’ve tried are always SO chalky and gross