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  1. R

    3 hours too much for full body weightlifting 3 days/week?

    @godisworking101 Kinda jealous you have 3hrs to spend at the gym though hehe
  2. R

    Those with big, noticeable traps, how’d you get there?

    @shawna27 Upright rows did it for me i think. Honestly not a fan of my traps but better than fats ◡̈
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    How do families with young children find the time?

    @ryspi76 They don't. They make time.
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    Idk if I should believe this. Its too good

    @abigale WTF??? Mataas pa SA delimondo at del mar??? Dingaaa???
  5. R

    What’s in your water bottle at the gym?

    @kmman Electrolytes