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  1. I

    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @vireak I feel ya! I can fluctuate that much, too. I weigh and measure every week in the morning. It's the only way I know where I'm at. Sometimes, I'm heavier, and my waist is the same. I think after a couple weeks of measurements and weigh-ins, you will get an idea of where your body is. I am...
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @vireak The way I understand it, it if I can eat 2050 every day and maintain my weight at 137, then it's my new maintenance. I started increasing my calories a couple months ago and have about a month left to go until I'm at 2050. I have maintained my weight this entire time, but don't be...
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @vireak I'm struggling with the idea of a "goal weight" and trying to focus more on muscle mass. I've always wanted to be around 120 lb, but im letting go of weight as a goal and focusing on progress photos and feeling strong. But man, it's hard to shift my thinking. I decided to do a reverse...
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    Has anyone tried reverse dieting?

    @vireak I'm currently doing a reverse diet. I'm F30 5'4" and started at 1525 calories while weightlifting 4 days a week. I upped my calories by 50 each week (and only if I was meeting my new goal). I am now up to 1925 and have maintained my weight at 137 this entire time. It blows my mind. I...
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    How Long Are Your Lifting Sessions?

    @gotquestion It takes me about 35-45 minutes, depending on how many exercises I do. I probably average about 5 exercises and do 3-4 sets with 60-90 seconds in-between. I always follow with 15-45 minutes of include cardio depending on how I'm feeling.