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    Sunday Show Off - The thread where every thing you share is considered badass!

    @groo101 Hah no way can I claim being a BW badass. Too many other dudes that can claim that title like Daniel Vadnal from FitnessFAQs. Just trying to get stronger as I journey into my late thirties. Helps to have had many years of strength training to draw upon.
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    Sunday Show Off - The thread where every thing you share is considered badass!

    @groo101 Haha, have no idea who Gordon Freeman is but I appreciate the compliment. Just working within my abilities.
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    Sunday Show Off - The thread where every thing you share is considered badass!

    @groo101 I posted last week about finally hitting my goal of half-bw Jefferson curls. Here ya go Solfire :) 105lbs Jefferson curl Using straddle rope pullups as my starting progression towards legless rope climbs.