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  1. C

    Program Review: Candito 6-Week Powerlifting Program (3 Cycles)

    @godislove32 Yupp. I just did the workout in order. I def have preferred nights to workout (Sunday evening ❤️❤️), but sometimes life gets in the way so I just aimed for 4 days a week.
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    Program Review: Candito 6-Week Powerlifting Program (3 Cycles)

    @godislove32 I also can't make it to the gym 5 days a week! I just proceeded as normal and essentially completed the workouts when I could. I went to the gym 3 to 4 days a week and my progress didn't suffer at all. I basically took fewer rest days between the high volume weeks (weeks 1/2, 0 to...
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    Program Review: Candito 6-Week Powerlifting Program (3 Cycles)

    @dawn16 I highly recommend it! It's honestly so much fun and challenges you every week so it was easy to stay consistent with.
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    Program Review: Candito 6-Week Powerlifting Program (3 Cycles)

    @elissanjuice Ya, i also can't make it to the gym 5 days a week. What I did was just complete the workouts in their prescribed order, and if Workout 5 bled into day 8 or 9 I wouldn't worry about it. I was also super anal before about squeezing my workout into a 7 day split, but now I focused...
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    Program Review: Candito 6-Week Powerlifting Program (3 Cycles)

    @godislove32 Like you, I get bored doing the same movements. At the end of the day, a fun program you can stick too is much more effective than a boring one you can't stay consistent with
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    Program Review: Candito 6-Week Powerlifting Program (3 Cycles)

    @godislove32 I constantly mixed it up, I just made sure I did a horizontal row, vertical pull, and shoulder movement each bench press session. For horizontal row I rotated between chest supported row machine, bent over barbell row, single arm dumbbell row, seated cable row, and t bar row. For...
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    Program Review: Candito 6-Week Powerlifting Program (3 Cycles)

    Hi r/xxfitness ! I just finished my third full cycle of Candito's 6-Week Powerlifting Program and wanted to share what I learned and how it worked out for me. Background Played hockey for 11 years (2005 to 2016) so I am already familiar with form Working out and seriously weightlifting since...
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    Alternatives to 500 pound club?

    @crazythat 1000lb club is next my friend
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    Beginner (again) deadlift form check please! :)

    @knsokamd The small plates are making the deadlift harder, you're essentially doing a deficit deadlift of 1-3 inches. It might explain why your hips are so high. However, your gym might not have regular sizes plates besides the 45LBS/20KGS
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    IPF World Classic Open Powerlifting Championships in Malta: Preview and discussion post

    @nathan2018 Super excited! Two members from my gym are attending so I'm gonna be cheering them on!
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @patsy_cline_fan I read that paragraph like 4 times. Guess I'm stupid.
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @dynamitex I'm talking about nervous system fatigue, not muscular damage. I agree, women and men produce the same force and experience the same "muscular damage" 👍
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @patsy_cline_fan Hypertrophy tunnel vision. If you think 300lb heavyweight men squatting 700+ can recover from squatting the same as 100lb women squatting 300+ then there is something missing here.
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @dynamitex Fatigue and recovery are not just affected by muscle damage or soreness. Things like outside life stress, nutrition, total training tonnage, and leverages all affect the total amount of volume and intensity someone can tolerate. There is a reason why even between women, lightweight...
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    Dr. Mike on male/female training differences

    @justaguy43 Women lift less weight than men, even more when taking into consideration bodyweight. So lightweight women can recover the quickest (typically) because they lift much less absolute weight than a heavyweight male. As a broad example: The average untrained man might start around...