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  1. D

    I [18F] kinda dislike going to the gym and being active and I don’t know how to fix it

    @brigitta Like, seriously. This shit ruined me as a teen. I went nuclear and deleted all social media. I won’t pretend to me happy healthy and stable, but I’m a lot better off than when I was on it all the time.
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    Morning workouts - prep, routine and everything else

    @charlieparker Night before: set up gym bag and work out clothing. Blend my protein smoothie and put it in an insulative cup and leave on the counter or the fridge, depending on temperature. Wake up 6am. I need 20 minutes to brush hair, teeth, chug a glass of water, and get dressed. It helps...
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    I [18F] kinda dislike going to the gym and being active and I don’t know how to fix it

    @anylene If you just want to lose weight, you could focus less on the gym and more on nutrition. And there’s so many types of exercise that aren’t the gym. Maybe you would like pole dancing, or yoga, or martial arts, or long walks, spin classes….i mean there’s so much out there to try. It...
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    How to physically and mentally prepare for intense sea survival safety training?

    @keith9duffy I can’t really speak to the training, but I can a bit to the mental aspect. Through your post, I’m reading a lot of language that seems to indicate that you don’t really think you can do this. But I’d like to point out how big of an effect it can have for you to actually believe you...
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    How my gym views women

    @yurtiestv I’ve also debated that interpretation of it, but there’s a couple things that have me leaning away. First, is the amount of weight on her back is laughable from anything beyond beginner/rehabilitation weight. And second, taken in combination with the other posters and programs, it...
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    How my gym views women

    @shabach67 Not at all. Thanks for the suggestion!
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    How my gym views women

    @shabach67 That’s absolutely terrifying about the guy following you. But that yoga class sounds dope! I would like to find something like that
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    How my gym views women

    @wag225 Yes I am! And I also would very much be interested in that.
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    How my gym views women

    @ulkon This is exactly the actionable advice I was needing. Step 1 is done. I’ll get on the email right away!
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    What’s your relationship with alcohol?

    @cdlara381 Won’t touch it with a 10 foot pole. Everyone reacts differently to substances. I react to alcohol with multi-day suicidal depression. Wasn’t always that way, but now it is. And now I’m sober.
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    Transformation after 30

    @cant_think_of_a_name That’s a tough hand. If I have one night where I sleep 6 hours instead of 8, the next day I’m useless, emotional, and without resiliency to the challenges of the world.
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    What are your non scale goals for July/august?

    @uticus 10 pull ups (currently 3-6 depending on I don’t even know what 😅) Middle split. I’m sooo close when properly warmed up. Carrying whatever I need upstairs instead of taking the elevator.
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    A new way I’ve structured my workouts to remain consistent while allowing for some flexibility in my routine

    @yoan I love this. I do some variation of this as well. Life just got so busy that following strict programming just stopped being fun and more of a chore and source of stress. Ive also parred down my program to be done start to finish in 1h, 1h10m MAX. Ive done “what you’re not supposed to...
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    Transformation after 30

    @catd Looks like you made some awesome progress! I never did any weight training in my 20s so I don’t have a good bench mark for comparison, though I’ve always been active with cycling, power yoga, and body weight training. In any case, I don’t doubt for a minute that hormones could play a role...
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    Transformation after 30

    @cant_think_of_a_name Is it weird I want to see your quads? 😅 I’m only half kidding. That’s awesome though! I love reading about the power of women thriving.
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    Transformation after 30

    @tommy160 It’s anecdotal, but everyone I know who talks about hitting a wall at 30 also transitioned to a sedentary lifestyle around the time the Change occurred. Not to say hormones don’t have an effect. Spend any appreciable amount of time on r/Menopause and it’ll be clear that’s a whole other...
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    How my gym views women

    @kate22 That is far worse :(
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    Transformation after 30

    @saintcody777 I also have a building of mostly people who are 75+, but they are so immobile. It sadly also keeps me focused because I want to set myself up for the best chances possible to be independent and active at that age.
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    I was promised endorphins

    @obacartyo I might get a quick rush after finishing a heavy set but it subsides quickly. Cycling at an even, fast pace? Rush City.
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    Transformation after 30

    @catd Seeing both sides of the spectrum as well, it’s truly one of the greatest luxuries in life to be able to eat exactly what you want to eat.