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  1. J

    Stuck at 4-6 pull-ups for months

    @jabba1495 I'm sorry to hear about the plateau BUT the good news is that I think the answer is pretty simple: You are training 3 times a week and going to failure. The high frequency and the failure are probably negatively affecting your recovery. I'd suggest dropping it down to twice a week and...
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    My 2 Year Calisthenics Journey! Full Planche, Maltese, Victorian Cross

    @thevisionary I'm thinking about adding it on my Front Lever Row work since it's there anyway. Basically start in a front lever, try to pull into a vic for a few seconds, then go into the FLR. I'll see how far it gets. 💪
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    My 2 Year Calisthenics Journey! Full Planche, Maltese, Victorian Cross

    @thevisionary I've been thinking about testing this myself, personally. Not sure how I'd get at my weight but I'm interested in trying it!
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    Are there any exercise more brutal than the horse stance?

    @graced1257 There is. The straight leg version which is a Middle Split.
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    Is 10 sets x 3 per week really too much volume?

    @warrenmjones85 Are you sure it isn't 3x10? 10 sets of 3 done 3 times a week is 30. That's insane. Even if those people survive it and THEY aren't doing too much, for other people, that would probably be WAY too much volume. It would be hard to recovery from that and be pain free.
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    My 2 Year Calisthenics Journey! Full Planche, Maltese, Victorian Cross

    @dawn16 I can't say I agree with it being stupid. I've gotten stronger than I've ever been with it. Seems pretty effective to me.
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    Got some question about my current bodyweight routine, any answer will be appreciated

    @korni You'll likely be fine without direct medial delt work as long as you get enough recovery from the other movements. Before you add something else, I think it's usually a good idea to try tweaking what you're already doing so you don't add unnecessary volume. In this case, you could do...
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    My 2 Year Calisthenics Journey! Full Planche, Maltese, Victorian Cross

    @dawn16 I'm guessing you don't train with the MED, right? How close to the Victorian are you, at the moment?
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    My 2 Year Calisthenics Journey! Full Planche, Maltese, Victorian Cross

    @dawn16 Most people aren't going to get a strong victorian like that putting ANY amount of work into their training 😂. That's an extremely high level skill.
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    The most comprehensive front lever tutorial

    @benito7 /@lovinggodlovingpeople actually is able to touch his hips to the bar and STICK to them. Looks like some sort of magnet when he does it. It's amazing. 😂💪 But it's REALLY REALLY hard. I can reach that full ROM on other lighter variations like in a Straddle. It requires me to be kind of...
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    New to doing push-ups…arms shake and feel super week for a long time

    @mstub That's normal from intense workouts. It will go away in time as you get stronger. :D
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    My 2 Year Calisthenics Journey! Full Planche, Maltese, Victorian Cross

    @dawn16 That's okay! Many people train differently! There's nothing wrong with that. I'm happy for OP and his gains. :D
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    Data showing that +70% weighted chinup = OAC

    @bibbigo I’ve seen people get it pretty nicely around 1.9 bw but I think they still needed some eccentrics and stuff to finish the process up. Maybe around then, you can test it if you want to see. But I totally understand not wanting to as well.
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    My 2 Year Calisthenics Journey! Full Planche, Maltese, Victorian Cross

    @jamesl Amazing progress on three of the most difficult holds in gymnastics! Well done! 👏
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    My biggest gains was in happiness. Thank you r/bodyweightfitness

    @olenka3byl That is AWESOME progress! Congrats on it! It's great to see the hard work result in gains!
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    Data showing that +70% weighted chinup = OAC

    @jesusisafriend Could be but I’m not sure. I’d be careful about assuming A leads to B so B leads to A. So for example, when I have seen people use WCU to get OAC, but the load needed was closer 90 percent. I do agree that you often see people get a OAC and they can do around 70 percent WCU. But...
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    [UPDATE] you guys roasted me on 6 month planche lol

    @follower_of_god Nordic Leg Curls! That's easily one of the hardest hamstring exercises you'll find with OR without weights.
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    Data showing that +70% weighted chinup = OAC

    @cbsmel It is. Have to be careful when drawing conclusions from a study. So easy to extract the wrong one. Not even anyone’s fault. That’s just human error haha.
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    Can’t progress pull ups - need some help with strategizing

    @dollfaceme23 Try Assisted Chin-Ups. I think it's one of the most effective tools in the box here because you'll get to work on your strength on the way up AND the way down. You can even lift your feet into the air as you get stronger on the negative and lower down with extra resistance. I also...
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    Can’t wake up after a hard workout

    @ljmyers Same here. If I had to keep watch during a zombie apocalypse, I would definitely train right before. I'd be too jacked to sleep.