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    How do I ditch the spare tire??

    @akiri I appreciate that! Congrats on all your hard work paying off!
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    How do I ditch the spare tire??

    @banon6983 Very helpful set of rules — thank you!
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    How do I ditch the spare tire??

    @banon6983 For example, I just finished a workout that was a 3 mile run and about 15-20 minutes of sit-ups/squats/weights. Would you count that? I agree not to count like a walk in the neighborhood or light lifting.
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    How do I ditch the spare tire??

    @banon6983 Good advice — thank you. Question about calorie deficit: if my daily maintenance is 2200, and I eat 2200 but burn 500 exercising, am I at -500, or 0? Not sure how to factor in exercise calorie burning into the net calories.
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    How do I ditch the spare tire??

    @ttabor24 Yeah that’s what I figured — just gotta keep plugging away
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    How do I ditch the spare tire??

    @kevineskay It’s definitely a more fat than muscle situation because I’m not much of a drinker
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    How do I ditch the spare tire??

    Hi y'all. 35 year old male, 5' 8" 163 pounds. I maxed out at about 190 about a year ago, and have been working my way down ever since. I've found a lot of success in just being consistent with a 30-45 minute work out every day and eating better overall (nothing unsustainable). My workouts tend...