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  1. P

    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @dawn16 as @kimhimmel the website supports mobile so you should be able to go straight through and download it. If not use a desktop and email it to yourself to download :)
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    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @stellaaster Awesome man, great to hear! I would personally do the handstand routine then the full body routine after in one session. If you don't want to do this then yes you could definitely do it on your rest days as well as the mobility :)
  3. P

    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @getbehindthebarn Alrighty dude so these were specifically left open and then example workouts used to hopefully illustrate possibilities. Anterior and posterior refer to the front and back of your body respectively. Anterior core is going to be focused around abdominals and hip flexors while...
  4. P

    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @exxi awesome man! You just take whatever you've been doing for your usual routine and half it. So if your last workout before the deload you did 3 sets of 8 reps of push ups. On your deload do 1 set of 8 reps, if you don't feel too fatigued then 2. Overall the volume for the session (number of...
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    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @bluiegurl33 Welcome man. So, this is a valid concern but in reality the volume should be sufficient. I mention in the program about avoiding junk volume and focusing on quality and intensity of the movements that are performed. A large issue with people not building mass is insufficient...
  6. P

    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @portiaraylee Awesome, which one? Absolutely I prefer the mobility routine as it has a more practical application to movement but the flexibility routine is great as well. You could do 2 sessions of each a week to keep it covering all basis :)
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    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @sweetavenue appreciate the continued support, will do :)
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    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @promagstyle welcome buddy :)
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    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @stqqabors haha you're welcome dude
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    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @rsaeger good man, get on it :)
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    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @silentwhispers thanks for the good feedback, you're welcome :)
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    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @vanztyn no worries, glad to help :)
  13. P

    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @stilts No worries. Umm I don't know why you would do it this way but I don't see anything wrong with it. I would probably recommend starting the program, when you do, with just 1 set per exercise for the first week just to get into it. Then increase like the periodisation indicates :)
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    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @dummy awesome dude, good luck :)
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    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @logicalwomen This one needed to be free in my opinion. It's something I wish I had when I started and I didn't want to put a barrier on it. Thanks my man :)
  16. P

    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @dawn16 Thanks dude!
  17. P

    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @walkbyfaithnotsight hopefully it helps :)
  18. P

    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @dawn16 ah good man OG is a great basis to use. You're welcome dude :)
  19. P

    I've made a comprehensive program guide for free

    @curlyclare if you combo the 2 together then you could get it done in 1 hour but likely will take a little longer. It's a good way to combo the sessions :)