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  1. V

    Is 2-3 minutes between sets too long? I keep getting rude looks from guys at the gym..

    @sunnsideup Yeah, and I like it... sometimes. My current apartment is very small, so I have to literally move furniture to toss a yoga mat down. I have yet to find a program that fits my skill level- the super easy stuff is boring, but anything that requires lots of arm strength/wrist...
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    Is 2-3 minutes between sets too long? I keep getting rude looks from guys at the gym..

    @wandofgamelon Thanks! Running is my “main” form of exercise, but I really need to build some muscle for the sake of preventing injuries at this point- I’m very underweight and need some cross training because I’m overworking the running muscles... I also need some upper body strength for my...
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    Is 2-3 minutes between sets too long? I keep getting rude looks from guys at the gym..

    @wandofgamelon This has always been a reason I hate going to the gym- I’m someone who’s on my phone while there. I watch Netflix (with earbuds) while I work out (on breaks or if I’m warming up on a treadmill/doing something where it makes sense) because I get bored. I despise strength training...
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    Did anybody stop short of their weight loss goals because they realized they liked their body at a higher weight?

    @stanlester I have tracked calories on and off, and while I struggle to remember to track everything, I have been making a conscious effort to eat above maintenance most days. I’ve had full blood work done, and endoscopy, a abdominal ultrasound, thyroid testing, and so far no one has been able...
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    Did anybody stop short of their weight loss goals because they realized they liked their body at a higher weight?

    @wedemars Yikes, y’all are scaring me a bit because I’ve been sitting at 5’7 and 106 for like a year (not intentionally...) I’m trying to gain back up to 120-125, which is where I was when I was super active in undergrad. I’m currently mostly running for stress relief, but I’m trying to add more...