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  1. B

    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @darlingbesa My real point is that 300 swings is not extreme volume by any means. You can knock those out in 30 minutes with a 1:3 work: rest ratio. Whether 28kg is a heavy weight is something I think OP can figure out as a grown adult; but assuming OP is male, 28kg for a male of that size with...
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @darlingbesa Here, found a program to help keep OP from overtraining
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    ELI 5: Ladders

    @dom_williams No prob, enjoy the program. Don't be afraid to add some swings and/or pulling (rows, pullups, etc) to make it a bit more complete.
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    ELI 5: Ladders

    @dom_williams Exactly, just alternating 3 C&P, 3 FSQ, 3 C&P, etc with rest in between each set until time is up.
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @fortruth73 Interesting. When I was a competitive runner I would work up to running 10x per week with no rest days so I just assumed cycling was similar since I know competitive cyclists tend to spend more time on the bike than I did running. I'm pretty sure a couple of my friends that cycled...
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    ELI 5: Ladders

    @dom_williams For DFW you're supposed to rest between your C&P and FSQ and ladders mean you do sets of one, then two, and so on to the highest and then back to one. So on W1D1 for example you'll do one C&P then set the bells down and rest. Then clean them again and do a single front squat then...
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @myworld19 But are they that way because that's what's easiest for most people or because that's what's optimum? You can draw your own conclusions but as far as I know there's no conclusive evidence that either method is optimum so I know what I believe. EDIT: To be absolutely clear, I am not...
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @fortruth73 There are plenty of examples that prove this to be false. For one, there's every serious biking or running program ever. Even in the context of strength training there's plenty of examples of people having success lifting every day, like this guy who added 40lbs to his already...
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    Someone explain dfw to me like I’m 5

    @faithinmet Levi in this thread But for real, he's right. Plenty of people don't understand that there's no such thing as a magical program that makes you lose fat even if your diet doesn't support it. Any program will help you cut fat if you consume fewer calories than you burn, and basically...
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @nipun You keep asking if it's "enough" but insisting you understand that you need to be in a caloric deficit regardless of how many swings you do. If I may make an analogy, it feels like you're asking if 28 points is enough to win a football game, and when everyone tells you that it depends...
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @nipun I'm struggling to understand exactly what you're looking to learn here, but here's a couple thoughts: It seems like you probably know this based on other posts, but if the goal is to lose weight then 0 swings is enough, just eat less. My most productive weight loss happened with minimal...
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    Is 300 swings/day effective on its own?

    @jekyll See what you're missing here Vlad is that it's Schrodinger's diet: if you out train your diet then it ceases to be a bad diet.