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  1. S

    West Coast Classic Live Semi Final Day Three Discussion Thread

    @christ80 Yeah. I think they should have pushed first and pulled second. We don’t see many pulls to finish and it feels more dramatic because it has pauses as they reset for each pull. Josh and Rich in the 2013 push/pull event was one of the best finishes ever and it finished on the pull...
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    West Coast Classic Live Semi Final Day Three Discussion Thread

    @christ80 It’s the torque tank.
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Weekend Thread

    @dale1257 L-sit holds would be a fun one too!
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Weekend Thread

    @dale1257 Yeah. I thought of that too and they repeated other movements from the open in the programming here. But I could be convinced that avoiding grip being a limiting factor during this amrap would be an important factor in achieving the desired stimulus. I think combining a static...
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Weekend Thread

    @revjrm2047 Point taken on cals instead of meters. I do think they clearly explained the standard but asking both athletes and judges to perform to a standard that’s brand new and that athletes can move through quickly is going to be unnecessarily challenging and just invites controversy. A...
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    CrossFit Quarterfinals Weekend Thread

    @jonjones229 The v-ups are going to be a complete shit show. And a totally unnecessary one. I think a static hollow hold that must be 30 seconds unbroken (or something like that) would be more creative, a better test, and a million times easier to judge.
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    West Coast Classic Live Semi Final Day Three Discussion Thread

    @little_sparrow This was wild to see in person. Not sure if it showed online but he tried it several times and never really got it racked. The one he stood up wasn’t any better. I actually said “don’t do it!” out loud when he started to stand up with it. That being said, the core and leg...
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    WL for reps- need advice

    @youfixallimnot I think the thing to remember whether it’s for Fran or for this WL workout you did, the amount of time spent working is more or less the same for everyone, it’s the time spent resting that dramatically alters your final time. I’m still not convinced you actually performed at...
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    WL for reps- need advice

    @youfixallimnot What modifications did you make to Fran in order to go sub-10? And was your 45-minute Fran Rx? I think at least part of your issue for today’s workout could have just been time management and not fully understanding when you’re capable of safely completing another rep. Did you...
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    CF boxes on the west coast

    @heavenstudent Just variations on sandbag cleans and sandbag carries. Something like 10 rounds 10 cleans and 50 yard carry. You can also do burpees over the sandbag and sandbag squats. The beauty of the sandbag is it can be any weight you want it to be so there’s more variance in loading even if...
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    CF boxes on the west coast

    @ofbrysonmen When I’ve traveled to beach destinations in the past, I’ve brought along an empty rogue 150 lb sandbag. Bring it to the beach, fill it with sand, do a workout, dump out the sand, repeat as needed. Not sure how much time you planned to spend at beaches, but I’ve brought my sandbag...
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    2020 CrossFit Games Finals: Swim n' Stuff

    @expressforsuccess Curious why you think something is good for training but not for competition? Not a good test? Not entertaining for an audience to watch?