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  1. M

    2 years of calisthenics at 42 years old – Progress report!

    @houstonreborn Yea, it's better to err on the side of caution than to get an injury or pain that affects other areas of life. I'd feel like a jerk if I injured my hand and couldn't play a gig with one of my bands! I can still occasionally train 3x a week, but not two weeks in a row. Usually...
  2. M

    2 years of calisthenics at 42 years old – Progress report!

    I forgot to add that if I want a snack and I'm not cutting, I usually have a protein type of snack like cottage cheese, yogurt, protein pudding or 1-2 hard boiled eggs.
  3. M

    2 years of calisthenics at 42 years old – Progress report!

    @unclefester Thanks! Basically as a type 1 diabetic, I'm very much aware of how strongly carbs affect my blood sugar, so I'm very careful about carbs. I don't do a low carb diet, but it's definitely moderate and I never drink carbs (apart from milk occasionally,) and I hardly ever snack on...
  4. M

    2 years of calisthenics at 42 years old – Progress report!

    @traditionalman Thanks! I haven't been amazingly consistent, but enough. I usually just take a full-week break for a deload rather than the "reduce everything by half" stuff. I also skip leg day more frequently than I should...
  5. M

    2 years of calisthenics at 42 years old – Progress report!

    Hi everyone, I've been enjoying this community for the past two years. I can hardly believe the progress I've made over the past two years, so I thought I'd share another progress report as a way of thanking all of you who offer advice on this subreddit and maybe inspiring some out-of-shape...
  6. M

    I know this ain’t impressive to damn near everyone here. But, I just did my first full pull up

    @steeve987 I went from 0 to 10+ as a skinny-fat 40 year old, so you can do it!