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    1 Year Progress Post! (Lots of Info)

    @button I have similar stats (182cm 80kg age 25) and I started with around 2-3 pull ups, but in 2 years and a half I am barely better than you at weighted dips and slightly weaker at weighted chin ups, so your progress is very impressive for me.
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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @dawn16 The coolest Batman related thing I've seen is this cartoon.
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    If you are tall or heavy don't lose hope - full planche at 202cm 102kg/6'7 225lbs and other feats by heavyweight calisthenics athletes

    @peslaugh It is for someone who practices calisthenics, most of the best athletes are 160cm 60kg/5'3 132lbs.
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    Most impressive weighted muscle ups

    @januszpedal2 No matter what is your level I think in 1-3 years you can surely achieve strict muscle ups. Slow false grip ones may be a good idea. To learn them, here is a possible approach: Train the false grip from the start, at the beginning do it feet assisted until you can dead hang in...
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    Diamond pushups use more chest than wide pushups (from a study that also examined standard, pseudo-planche and simplified Lalanne pushups)

    @darkchylde See this reply. Maybe it's not so wrong but the reply makes good points.
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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @janeestipular555 This was still a cool thread and I liked most of the comments, also Baki did some kind of press from pancake to handstand that looks impossible, here is the comment mentioning it.
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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @fromgenesistorevelation Thanks, a lot of interesting stuff in the comments.
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    If you are tall or heavy don't lose hope - full planche at 202cm 102kg/6'7 225lbs and other feats by heavyweight calisthenics athletes

    @jjriggs Those beginner gains usually come fast, a lot of the first strength comes from learning to do the movements efficiently.
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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @dawn16 Now we can't feel any joy unless we see one arm front lever rows or a no false grip Victorian cross hold.
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    Most impressive weighted muscle ups

    @michaelphemo I learned the slow false grip muscle up, now I am trying to increase the volume. A video of weighted muscle ups by you would be interesting. Another interesting thing would be a one rep max weighted muscle up competition, I wonder if someone can do more than 40kg, which is the...
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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @dawn16 Bent arm planche mountain climbers. Also there were some other cool parts, like the wheelchair guy doing full ROM pullups with no kipping. Are bent arm human flags easier since there is a thing called human flag pullups? The guy on the right was doing it with straight arms.
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    Most impressive weighted muscle ups

    @neuapostolisch /@michaelphemo has surely seen or done some very impressive weighted muscle ups, now that I think about it.
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    If you are tall or heavy don't lose hope - full planche at 202cm 102kg/6'7 225lbs and other feats by heavyweight calisthenics athletes

    @integrity31 Every build has its advantages and disadvantages depending on the context. Tall people will have a harder time with strength to weight ratio but they'll be able to move more external load.
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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @dawn16 So did he start doing tuck planche to one leg straight planche? Do you remember if it looked real with a proper forward lean of the shoulders or if it looked like there was just a rope helping?
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    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @tobycurry Should have made carbon nanotube ring straps instead. RIP.
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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @dawn16 Much better form that half of the crossfit practitioners. Hopefully he didn't use fake plates like Brad Castleberry, but I dunno how strong Ben Affleck is, even though he looks quite muscular.
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    Most impressive weighted muscle ups

    @k94c Excellent example, has little kip but it is fully symmetric compared to Sai Ngo's execution.
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    Diamond pushups use more chest than wide pushups (from a study that also examined standard, pseudo-planche and simplified Lalanne pushups)

    @pet777 You can try to keep your hands forward instead of internally rotated, as long as the hands are close and under the sternum the intensity is still higher than standard pushups. The elbows will flare a bit but they'll still be close to the body.