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    If you are tall or heavy don't lose hope - full planche at 202cm 102kg/6'7 225lbs and other feats by heavyweight calisthenics athletes

    @sister_diane At worst you can probably still get a straddle planche, if you get good flexibility in the splits it would be near the difficulty of an L planche or advanced tuck.
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    Diamond pushups use more chest than wide pushups (from a study that also examined standard, pseudo-planche and simplified Lalanne pushups)

    @aburninghammer It can happen since there is inevitably some elbow flaring. For this reason I also saw Joshua Naterman recommending building up to 15-20 (or 10-15) diamond pushups in a row as a way to prepare the elbows for muscle ups. You can do a hand width narrower than standard but wider...
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    Most impressive weighted muscle ups

    @alisonmelissa His form is not very clean but he's worth mentioning, claims to be 265lbs/119kg here. May as well mention NinjaTyler, who is 244lb/110kg in this video, just because I find him fun.
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    Most impressive weighted muscle ups

    @dawn16 Good luck in the future, nobody deserves that stuff.
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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @grizzlymonkeh Cool, they are legit. Also interesting that I replied to someone with Doom in the username and another Doom person has replied to me.
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    If you are tall or heavy don't lose hope - full planche at 202cm 102kg/6'7 225lbs and other feats by heavyweight calisthenics athletes

    @dawn16 If your weaknesses are your passion then it's worth working hard on them anyways, otherwise it depends if they help with your strong points.
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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @rj786 So not the safest stunt to perform in real life without special effects but pain has not stopped people from doing more extreme stuff.
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    HEY, EVERYONE! November is here and it's PULL-UPS MOTIVATIONAL MONTH! Join us today!

    @kaki What works for me is this: do 6 or 7 pullups the first sets, on the last one go to failure. If you can do 1-2 reps more than the previous sets, you can add a rep to them. For example from 6-6-7 you go to 6-6-8 and then 7-7-7, 7-7-8, 7-7-9, 8-8-8.
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    Most impressive weighted muscle ups

    @dawn16 Passive hangs actually cure shoulder issues for some people, but when coming down from a pull up you need to brake with your muscles, else the braking will be done by the connective tissue, potentially tearing it.
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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @rj786 I found that part. Are these jumping shoulder flags possible in real life or did they use something like invisible rope for the scene?
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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @titusyoder That's an awesome scene, even better than the one from Avatar I linked in the original post. Has anyone done the pancake to handstand? It looks almost impossible, the closest thing I found is the impossible tigerbend handstand pushup.
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    Most impressive weighted muscle ups

    @dawn16 A passive hang is not the same as falling into that position with too much momentum. I agree that it is good to start each pull up from a dead hang. I was asking him if he fell into that position in a jerky way, which would make sense as a cause of injury, while stopping smoothly would...
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    Diamond pushups use more chest than wide pushups (from a study that also examined standard, pseudo-planche and simplified Lalanne pushups)

    Note: the point of this post is not that diamond pushups are the ultimate chest exercise, but that wide pushups on the floor are overrated and many exercises are better than them for chest growth. I often see people repeating the broscience (BS) that wide pushups are the best for chest and that...
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    HEY, EVERYONE! November is here and it's PULL-UPS MOTIVATIONAL MONTH! Join us today!

    @rdmarita No problem, it looks like someone else read it too.
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    HEY, EVERYONE! November is here and it's PULL-UPS MOTIVATIONAL MONTH! Join us today!

    @rdmarita I commented late so it wasn't very visible.
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    Most impressive weighted muscle ups

    @dawn16 Was it because your fatigue prevented you from doing a controlled eccentric and you fell into your joints?
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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @rdmarita That's a good motivation for good form. If you need to escape quickly then being able to do explosive muscle ups from a dead hang is good, if you just need to get over an obstacle with no time limits just being able to do a toes to bar so you can raise a leg and hook a heel to reduce...