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  1. M

    Giant 3.0

    @grace302015 Thank you! Just keep at it. One day those 16s will feel like feathers.
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    Giant 3.0

    @tythomasjr Honestly I had to completely stop lifting for about 4 months. I was stubborn and pushed it for a long time but I got to a point where I had pain simply lifting a dish. PT had me do all sorts of rotation exercises and then electric stimulation for blood flow. It finally got better...
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    Giant 3.0

    @jim_68 Arms definitely bigger. Weight is hovering down around 5 lbs, so fat wise probably down more than that but offset with muscle mass. I definitely feel it each night after work outs when everything starts to stiffen. When I started with 28s I started wearing a belt as I found moving that...
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    Giant 3.0

    @ocdgal46 Thank you. Just trying to stave off feeling as old as I am.
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    Giant 3.0

    @belovedsone Trust me, I was huffing and puffing. Just take a deep breath and keep pushing. I think I finished with 5 seconds to spare. Lol
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    Giant 3.0

    @belovedsone When I started with the 32s they were more like my 3RM. I’m now likely a 5RM, as number 6 on each set is a big strain. It’s my conditioning that gets me more so than the presses. By the time I get to 6 my heart rate is definitely showing it.
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    Giant 3.0

    @juancarlos I was never much of an athlete, at most on a casual basis. I’ve always been able to carry heavy things, just never applied to weightlifting or kettlebell. Just feel lucky to be able to progress. My first Neupert program kicked my butt, but I definitely gained strength. When I...
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    Giant 3.0

    @juancarlos No, not at all. Seven years ago I was close to 300 lbs and couldn’t do much without getting winded. I started walking 4 miles a day on the treadmill and at one point before Lyme I got to 185 lbs. Lyme really screws with your metabolism and stamina and then COVID screws with your...
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    Giant 3.0

    @snowlucario That is a good idea. Thank you for the tip! I may just do that. That way I can adjust to the 8’s.
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    Giant 3.0

    @snowlucario I would like to, but the way sets of 6 are kicking my butt now, I don’t know how I will ever make the jump to sets of 8!
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    Giant 3.0

    Hello r/kettlebell. Long time reader, first time poster. A little about me, I’m 57 and started using kettlebells back in 2019. Started learning with the Skogg program with the basics, the started S&S. Things were going great until I ended up with a horrible case of golfer’s elbow that forced...