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  1. P

    PSA: Don’t trust a shitty pull up bar. Almost died today because I’m an idiot

    @larissa007 If you have access to a pipe threader, threaded joints will be much cheaper than kee klamps. This design is solid, note the bracing in the corners. Only risk is tipping during something like muscle-ups, which...
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    3 month progress pic 29/m

    @elbaraa86 It doesn't make sense that somebody would go through medical school, residency, specialize, etc. and then do that. But they do, dentists as well. In some cases there are office managers, marketing, or other people in the position to do it without the principals' knowledge.
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    3 month progress pic 29/m

    @elbaraa86 I read r/legaladvice. Small plastic surgery clinics will steal progress pics and reuse.
  4. P

    Congratulations, /r/bodyweightfitness! You are Subreddit of the Day!

    @hoppfull Jesus. kdz needs to fire up the copy paste machine.
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    The Secret to achieving the L-Sit

    @aamyggirl I’ll save everybody the click. Unilateral seated pike compression. Bilateral seated pike compression Foot supported L-sit with more compression, like a Lucas Abner version. Like the beginning of a pike press L-sit to HS press raise. None of this is anything new. Edit: not pike...
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    [Transformation/Progress] roughly a year of the RR, Calisthenics and weighted Calisthenics

    @intrastate108 Are you so sure OP put in more work than the rest of us? Edit: I don't disagree with your sentiment in general. Just in this particular case. I'm over 40 and at TFL rows, there's pretty much zero chance I'm getting to full FL in a year if I take half the year off. Consistency...
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    HEY, EVERYONE! November is here and it's PULL-UPS MOTIVATIONAL MONTH! Join us today!

    @chosen44 Ah so you mean instability a la rings. Dream machine then would be the ideal setup. Considering the training advantages of eccentrics, negatives IMO are the better path to full pull-up absent the psychological disadvantage vs a “real pull-up motion”.
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    HEY, EVERYONE! November is here and it's PULL-UPS MOTIVATIONAL MONTH! Join us today!

    @luke From a random YouTube video the shoulders/arms look pretty similar if you’re small enough to stand. Can you explain how it’s different?
  9. P

    Stuck on 7 pull-ups forever

    @childofgod49 Drive elbows back at the top. As to your plateau specifically, add more rest between sets to get more reps. Or more sets plus more rest. Then reduce rest. Also deload if it’s been a few months since the last time.