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    10k swings in 10 days - what’s next?

    @robbie0376 Oh yeah, that's going to be an awful undertaking. Pretty sure my shoulder would fly out of the socket, haha.
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    10k swings in 10 days - what’s next?

    @robbie0376 Great work dude! So cool to see you take this on and crush it. Dan John has talked about a 10k snatch challenge...haha.
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    EAT THE BIG ELEPHANT FIRST: 10k Swings in 7 Days Write Up

    @squirrel09 Outstanding dude! Those programs are so transformative.
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    EAT THE BIG ELEPHANT FIRST: 10k Swings in 7 Days Write Up

    @michaelkep Eh, I think it's a silly thing to discuss in general, and it typically results in people calling me a liar or genetically gifted. It just distracts from what I'm trying to discuss.
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    Back from a Bad Break: Review of Deep Water Beginner Program

    @jesusiscoming01 Really awesome to hear they were helpful. When I ran the program, there was very little out there about it, so I was hopeful that I'd be able to add some value to the conversation. So awesome to see the program getting more love these days.
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    EAT THE BIG ELEPHANT FIRST: 10k Swings in 7 Days Write Up

    @michaelkep Much appreciated dude! I didn't mention it, as it doesn't seem worth discussing, but I am a lifetime drug free athlete.
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    EAT THE BIG ELEPHANT FIRST: 10k Swings in 7 Days Write Up

    @jim_68 Very much appreciated. 1000 was definitely there that day. Very curious where the limit is. Certainly has my interest, haha
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    Back from a Bad Break: Review of Deep Water Beginner Program

    @jesusiscoming01 That's really cool how Jon answered your question directly. I had a similar experience with him. He's just genuine. And full concur on swapping out movements: total method to the madness.
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    EAT THE BIG ELEPHANT FIRST: 10k Swings in 7 Days Write Up

    @snowlucario Hah! Oh absolutely
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    EAT THE BIG ELEPHANT FIRST: 10k Swings in 7 Days Write Up

    @gaconvn Thanks man! I need to frame it, haha
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    EAT THE BIG ELEPHANT FIRST: 10k Swings in 7 Days Write Up

    Greetings there r/kettlebell. First time poster and complete unwashed savage in the land of kettlebells, but I wanted to share my experience taking on the 10k kettlebell swing challenge while attempting to get it done in 7 days. INTRO The post that launched 10000 swings…It was Sunday, I had...
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    Turning 36 This Month: Still Setting PRs. 51 Second PR Pressing a 150lb Keg Over My Head 30 Times

    @slippinginfaith Hah! Thanks dude. Those have been a key part of my core training. Very productive.
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    Turning 36 This Month: Still Setting PRs. 51 Second PR Pressing a 150lb Keg Over My Head 30 Times

    @mlenadc Much appreciated dude! And no joke: keg or log pressing is SO much the "missing element" when it comes to piecing all this together and making a striking and strong physique. Pressing a perfectly balanced barbell overhead from the rack is one thing: ripping something awkward off the...
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    Turning 36 This Month: Still Setting PRs. 51 Second PR Pressing a 150lb Keg Over My Head 30 Times

    Here is the video (apparently the sub doesn't allow linking to youtube directly, so I made a text post) I've been doing this workout all month as part of a mass building training phase, and yesterday the stars aligned and I had a huge time PR on it. It's been cool to get progress wherever I...