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    Recommended routine in Spanish

    @joe_raymond You never know!
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    Recommended routine in Spanish

    @shediac You can pick one person from the IRC channel which I will then kick. That should cover it. Now get your ass to work.
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    Sunday Show Off - The thread where every thing you share is considered badass!

    @teckknight You need to eat more mate. 2750 calories is like maintenance.
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    Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

    @backseat One-arm chinups are beyond the level of the beginner routine. To compare, the beginner routines cover up to level 5 of Overcoming Gravity's Charts. OAC is a level 9 move. I took out the one-arm pushup progression because it's very easy to cheat on them A minimal/non-equipment...
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    Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

    @dawn16 Well, I use "beginner" in the training-phases sense. Beginner is basically where you can do linear progression (add reps or move up in a variation every workout).
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    Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

    @dawn16 Beginner routine. Though straddle one-arm pushups are arguably a pretty entry-level movement (I could do them within 2 months of training), I replaced that progression with PPPU/rings pushup progression on Phrak's and Steven's recommendation. OAC is an advanced move.
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    Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

    @dandan27 Read the "How to Use"-section to the right of the image.
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    Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

    @inthewind Explain to me how dips work.
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    Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

    @etujofily 5-10 minutes of practice each.
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    Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

    @pugmama You can start with the top exercise in each of the boxes.
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    Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

    @dea10001 It's still vertical pulling and there's plenty of carryover. Whether you do one or the other doesn't matter a whole lot.
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    Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

    @rabbithunterdv I disagree. I think back-to-wall handstand isn't necessary. Yeah. Chinups, pullups, tomato, tomahto, potato, potahto...
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    Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

    @dawn16 It's the next thing on OG's charts.
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    Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

    @fromgenesistorevelation You're probably not doing them strict enough. Don't kick up your legs.
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    Congratulations /r/bodyweightfitness! You're Subreddit of the Day!

    @stillraisingthetorch It's not about being mean. It's about being an asshole without feelings if the situation requires it. I don't care if you're too poor to afford a doctor, rule 2. I don't care about your sad story about how BWF has improved your life sooooooo much, rule 3. Yeah that's all...
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    Congratulations /r/bodyweightfitness! You're Subreddit of the Day!

    @michaelphemo No mean as in go fuck a duck.
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    Congratulations /r/bodyweightfitness! You're Subreddit of the Day!

    @jamesalexturner1 Well, I'm here, and they don't call me the mean mod for no reason.
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    Sunday Show Off - The thread where every thing you share is considered badass!

    @nyanba You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
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    Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

    @billyshope Yes, you can do more sessions. However, on a per-bodypart basis, the frequency will still be lower compared to doing a full body routine. So while you think you are doing more sessions, you really aren't because each bodypart is only hit once every three sessions. And even at 6...
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    Complete Reddit BW Fitness Routine w/ Video Links

    @fromgenesistorevelation Hey there. If you have any questions, it's probably best to make a new thread. One workout will include one exercise from each group (except for the warmup). I don't think that's a good idea. You see, you get better at what you practice a lot, and if you do a full...