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    Working from home may destroy my back

    @toshaelliott I'm the same way at the office. I find I'm sitting for longer stretches while I'm at home.
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    Working from home may destroy my back

    @helpmybrother Thank you very much for the clarification! It sounds like I'll need to be more mindful about posture and form with these.
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    Working from home may destroy my back

    @helpmybrother Thank you very much. Regarding the curl up, isn't it just a bent knee crunch with your hands behind the small of your back? Am I missing the fundamental difference? I may be doing them to quickly, but wasn't sure if it's a difference in the motion as well.
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    Working from home may destroy my back

    @olivialora Any suggestions?
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    Working from home may destroy my back

    @unicoerara Thanks! I did half of her lower back routine after the poster above recommend her. It was a very nice 12 min stretch and I feel a little better. I'm going to try to work some of this into the morning routine.
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    Working from home may destroy my back

    @dawn16 Hahaha...I wish. Our office is locked down now and they had security looking to make sure people didn't wheel any furniture out when they left. The yoga YouTubes sound like a good idea. I'll check those out. Thanks!
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    Working from home may destroy my back

    @bx73 That's a pretty nice option. Mine has opted to reimburse up to a certain $ amount for certain computer equipment only. We're pretty sizable so it's a bureaucratic decision making process without much (read any) changes from feedback.
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    Working from home may destroy my back

    @ozlogos I would love that option, but it's a no go with my company.
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    Working from home may destroy my back

    Let me lead with a gripe, I'm not a work from home kind of guy. It has its perks, sure, like the no commute and being able to see my family during the day, but there's some trade off's too. I really miss having an ergonomic chair and adjustable desk at my office, beyond just having access to...