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  1. D

    Two years of Mark Wildman's Nerd Math / Tetris of Training

    @benthebeliever Surely you haven't been following his nerd math squat, right? The swings, getups and cleans I can get behind... But 20 sets of squats is madness!
  2. D

    Two years of Mark Wildman's Nerd Math / Tetris of Training

    @benthebeliever How did you run it? Did you go by the books training five times per week? How many times did you stall out on the different exercises and build up from 'the bottom'?
  3. D

    RowErg + SS, DFW or a mix of both?

    @chanteuserose You're right, sorry. My goals are to be well rounded and have a body that keeps moving so that I can be able to play rough with my kids, sleep with my wife, move for my friends etc and never break a sweat while at it. The reason why I have been looking at DFW and SS is that I am...
  4. D

    RowErg + SS, DFW or a mix of both?

    I am rowing a Concept 2 RowErg three times every week. How should I supplement with KBs? A) Just simple and sinister (with an added press) B) Just DFW C) ABA BAB where I run SS and DFW every other KB workout I feel like the mix (C) might dilute the effect of the KB sessions. B doesn't have any...