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    Most Trainees Lift Too Far Away From Failure (discussion)

    @gworden Everyone has different work capacity. I always wonder how you guys can do more than 4-5 heavy sets to failure per muscle group per workout. For me it's impossible, I'd have to drop the weight significantly to the point where it just makes no sense. I'm a low volume high intensity kinda guy
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    Stretched Pause and slow negative

    @mommajulesberry On one of his tierlist videos he said that everything on his channel is based on his experience, not on science.
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    Been training for years and on the verge of giving up due to lack of progress, what should I do?

    @barefoothannahb I don't know how much that'd be in % bodyfat but in my opinion you didn't look like you needed to cut. A somewhat slow bulk would've been good
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    Been training for years and on the verge of giving up due to lack of progress, what should I do?

    @barefoothannahb Well first of all there's no reason to cut for you. You made some gains and then lost all of it in 2023 when you lost 30 pounds for no reason. edit: also you're very tall so it's more difficult to SEE the progress. Need to give the bulk more time without interrupting it