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  1. K

    Quitting sugar --- healthy or too restrictive?

    @lulu_glo Great now I crave banans. :D
  2. K

    Quitting sugar --- healthy or too restrictive?

    @lulu_glo I would do the quick version - a bite of banana and a spoonful of butter, repeat a couple of times, then think long and hard about how unfair it is that peanuts are that high in calories.
  3. K

    Quitting sugar --- healthy or too restrictive?

    @lulu_glo With a little imagination you can make a pretty decent desert with peanut butter and bananas... :D
  4. K

    How do I tell a girl in the gym to leave me alone without hurting her feelings?

    @jeannie36 You could just tell her "sorry but I dont go to the gym to socialize, I just wanna finish and leave". Then pop a small smile and continue with your workout.
  5. K

    No A/C at gym- I feel crazy

    @ericanicolee Find a different place to work out at. You don't need the stress of extra heat while exerting your body, and if you're like me then you're operating waaay below your optimum capacity because of the heat. Waste of time. Change gyms or consider getting a home gym if you have the option.