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  1. K

    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    @uticus I prefer to wave ostentatiously at them, like I'm an over the top happy camp counselor...never fails to make them turn away. 😂
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    How my gym views women

    @debyfabienne This really makes me appreciate my gym even more. We do have one sort of annoying photo (the ancient Marilyn poster where she's benching the 5-lb dumbbells in her bra) and it's back in the hallway where the women's locker room door is, but all the other imagery in the gym is...
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    How to manage work and muscle soreness and fatigue?

    @kennethkivumbi Not everyone has that body clock, though. I sleep about 7 hours and though I would love for it to be more, that's just what my body does. I'm not proud, I wish I could stay asleep longer. But it works for me.
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    Transformation after 30

    @pandafan Also 57 and I've never been a super athlete like @pandafan but I was ALWAYS hurting myself in the gym when I was younger. Only recently have I found that splitting my 3-day program into 4+ days means less injury for me. Fewer exercises per session means I'm able to focus better. I'm...
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    Transformation after 30

    @debyfabienne If I ever need motivation to work out, I just need to think about my father (dead of a stroke at 60) and my mom (partially disabled and life savings drained by age 80). Neither of them were consistently active, and they weren't great about nutrition either. Bad genes, and my only...
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    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    @extra123 My mom is still like this (she's 80, I'm 58). She says such thoughtless things about my sister, who struggles with health and weight, and she also thinks I'm going to get "big" and "horrible" from lifting, even though I've been lifting almost 40 years and you'd never know it to look at...
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    Transformation after 30

    @anon103 It's so much easier to take the long view when you already have the long view, right? At 57 after some huge life changes I'm just glad to be able to eat better (menopause made my IBS less crazy) and to have the resources to get to the gym often. My goal is to still be lifting at 90...
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    How to manage work and muscle soreness and fatigue?

    @skid_roe It's not a simple ratio like that. What I (and many other commenters here) meant is you have to eat enough to supply fuel for your body to recover from exercise. Protein is particularly important for that.
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    Why am I so bad at running, but do well in other cardio related activities?

    @kmar123 I tried running, starting slow and doing Couch to 5k, several times over several years. I never got over hating it. Decided I don't have to learn to run. YMMV!
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    How to manage work and muscle soreness and fatigue?

    @ohyoupokedme I totally understand it's hard to deprogram your internal messaging from "lose weight lose weight" but may you actually have to eat more calories than this even on your rest days. Rest days are when your body is building muscle, building or remodeling bone, etc. and you have to...
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    New Year’s Resolution & 2024 Fitness Goals Megathread

    @nathan2018 Goal for this year is either a trekking vacation I've been coveting, or several shorter domestic trips to practice longer day hikes. I'm cautiously optimistic that my year-long foot issue was caused by my stubborn failure to understand that MY flat feet are an anatomical, congenital...
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    How to manage work and muscle soreness and fatigue?

    @michaeb2 You have to eat like an athlete to be an athlete!
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    How to manage work and muscle soreness and fatigue?

    @ohyoupokedme What is your food intake like? If you're not getting enough protein and enough calories, recovery is more difficult.
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    ~1 year gym progress!!

    @blessed53 You look absolutely fantastic, but I think you already knew that! What is even more impressive is the mental work that went into this. In spite of repeated autoimmune smackdowns, you persist in thinking of yourself as an athlete, not a sick person. It's truly inspiring!
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    What are your non scale goals for July/august?

    @officehead I think a lot of people walk the Kumano, but with tour groups. I'm not really worried about eating, sleeping, etc. as long as I understand cash by then, but I'm a little concerned about if I get hurt how I'll talk to medical people. Yes, I'm a big overplanner. I wish I had a...
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    I was promised endorphins

    @marthchat It had not occurred to me that my mind and my body could be "awake" at different times. It sounded like total BS until I tried it.
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    What are your non scale goals for July/august?

    @officehead I'm interested in hearing about your trip to Japan, because that is also a goal for me in the next couple of years (I want to hike parts of the Kumano Kodo). Even when I travel I don't normally walk more than maybe 7 miles on a typical day, and at home far less than that, so I'm a...
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    I was promised endorphins

    @marthchat Sure, glad to explain. I had requested a sleep study through my HMO, and they required that I complete sleep therapy first; if that didn't work they would pay for the sleep study. I had not slept well since I had a baby in 1996. Therapy happened all online because it was during Covid...
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    I was promised endorphins

    @romans5to8 Everyone who keeps saying "more sleep": possibly OP doesn't get to just decide to sleep longer. I am over 50 and I'm sleeping 6.5-7 hours per night, and that is after sleep therapy that helped me get better quality sleep so I actually feel like I rested. Before sleep therapy I would...
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    Alternatives to 500 pound club?

    @hangingout OMG @hangingout please let me come with you, I want to help. We can team teach. 🤣