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  1. K

    What are your non scale goals for July/august?

    @uticus It's a long, long story, but we are better friends now that we don't live together (married 1992, divorced 2015). We've had some shared tragedy in the past few years and going through it kind of rebuilt our bond, just not in a romantic way. His girlfriend is cool with it, and their...
  2. K

    What are your non scale goals for July/august?

    @dawn16 It's so hard to make myself relax and nap, but I'm definitely trying! Not this coming weekend (too busy), but maybe the one after.
  3. K

    What are your non scale goals for July/august?

    @uticus I have goals from time to time. More than 5 consecutive assisted pull ups (I just switched from the green band to the blue one and OOOF) At least two bike rides that aren't just around the neighborhood, meaning I have to drive to a state trailhead. I hate putting my bike in the car so...
  4. K

    Frustrated with barbell back squats

    @graceadele I'm short but my legs are all femur. And I've decided back squats are not for me. I'm about to start a new cycle of SBS and I'll be subbing in something else - possibly bulgarian split squats, because arthritis in my toes makes lunging really painful. I'm not planning to compete, so...
  5. K

    Alternatives to 500 pound club?

    @srm332 Oh I've been lifting for years, but I wasn't really focusing on big numbers (and also multiple injuries kept setting me back over and over, ugh). Boys with Opinions are...just whatever. lol.
  6. K

    Alternatives to 500 pound club?

    @srm332 Right? I'm 58 and if I ever hit those numbers I'd be over the damn moon. Boys are dumb.
  7. K

    How do you make exercise not about weight loss?

    @helper_pni My mom too, and my aunt, and my late grandma. Plus my father died of heart disease at 60. It's nice to get aesthetic benefits from working out, but I'm doing it to be strong and healthy as long as I can. I'm 58, I'm in menopause, and last week I helped a neighbor carry a heavy...