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  1. X

    Daughter 7 and son 9 can dead hang comfortably for 3 and a half minutes

    @rando My kids do things at the monkey bars that I can't touch. Crazy grip strength and endurance. On the flip side she can do 1 pull-up, and I can do 10+ weighted. Different kind of strength.
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    Am I too Old for gains? Muscle and Strength?

    @lucaannibale I just have a basic kitchen scale. I had 4-5 dishes that were simple to make and had decent macros, and ate mostly those over and over for a couple of weeks. Breakfast and lunch were basic, and then i'd vary dinner to fill out my macros. For example, I'd place a bowl on the scale...
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    Am I too Old for gains? Muscle and Strength?

    @lucaannibale I don't think you're eating enough if you're really training 6 days per week. I used to be 155lbs and now 4 years later I'm 190 and leaner. I thought I needed maybe 2500kcal to grow. I tested it (weighed all my food for like a week or two) and it turned out I needed 3200kcal. Now...
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    Considering a new approach to strength and hypertrophy by implementing high rep training

    @brohoho You're doing sets of 30 pull-ups? While that might get you some hypertrophy, you'll get greater strength gains from lower rep weighted pull-ups. I tried higher rep workouts and they do work to some extent, but I just don't have the time for all those reps. I can't afford to spend 2+...