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  1. 1

    Summer Cut: 5'3/140--130 Ladies Group Chat

    @ericajones My daily plan is really simple. Breakfast is a smoothy. mixed berries spinach banana protien powder and almond milk. Around 300 calories worth. Snack is a chiobani flipz yogurt. 180 calories Lunch is 4 to 8 oz of a meat. (6 to 8 beef chicken or protien. 4 oz salmon) and a veggie...
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    Summer Cut: 5'3/140--130 Ladies Group Chat

    @twinmama 27/5'3/135 lbs I am trying to cut to 125. I lift 4 to 6 times a week atm. Attempting to do 2 to 3 days of cardio just 10 to 30 mins. Eating at 1400 to 1600 daily. It varies and this will be a super slow cut maybe even more of a recomp.
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    DEXA Follow up: 34/5'4"/170 lbs

    @godislove19933 I too am 5'4. 140 lbs. Your listed calories would be a bulk for me... I cut on about 16-1800 calories. Sedatary job and gym 4 times a week. You simply may not have been at a large enough of a deficit. Progressive overload is a must to gain muscle.
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    Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

    @frbrian Most lifters don't realize that they have a "favorite lift". That one tends to grow faster as a result. I love deadlifts. And hate squats. I am forcing my self to work squats as much as I work deadlifts to bring it up
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    Experienced lifters, how much do you b/s/d? Either 1 RM or typical training weights

    @frbrian 4 years only 2 years actually lifting for strength 135,165,255 Working on lagging squat.
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    Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

    @wilaywaly Prove my OPINION is incorrect using science please.
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    Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

    @mmend Again that's your opinion. We all interpret things differently.
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    Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

    @jesmith0401 In the eye of the beholder. We all interpret things differently. So ... It's not sexist to me.
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    Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

    @tim_h Sure did. I got the joke. Didn't find it funny as a point. People wanna be offended about him using vag but you can make a "joke" like that and not get the same treatment? Seems... Hypocritical to me so... I responded.
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    Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

    @jesmith0401 And saying he is sexist because you choose to interpret something a certain doesn't make him sexist either. Show me an action. Words can be interpreted in many ways.
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    Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

    @tim_h Can you either genatalia for that and either way some one would be offended. Yes he could have chosen better wording but he was trying to get a point across via a story. Do you really believe he views women gentatalia as weak given that he has a wife and kids? Do you really think his wife...
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    Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

    @cz1611 I don't really have a problem with it at all. Personally I always felt that if I were touchy about this then I my self am being sexist. We are different people with different ideas and different views. He said he doesn't view it as being misogynistic. As such I simply see it as him not...