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  1. M

    Haven’t made much progress on lifts on physique even after bulking. Is there something wrong with my program or is it something else?

    @johnc101 I do realize that I need to commit to a bulk at some point. I just hate how chubby my face looks, even when I was ten pounds lighter it was still pretty pudgy. If I bulk to 180 I’m going to probably have a triple chin or something. I want I get lean enough that I can bulk slowly and...
  2. M

    Haven’t made much progress on lifts on physique even after bulking. Is there something wrong with my program or is it something else?

    @benjaminthewolf I’ve had a feeling I have too much volume, but I don’t know what exercises to cut out. Especially when it comes to chest in arms.
  3. M

    Haven’t made much progress on lifts on physique even after bulking. Is there something wrong with my program or is it something else?

    @seitsem%C3%A4n Seems interesting, Can you explain why you hit arm muscles and legs on the same days?
  4. M

    Haven’t made much progress on lifts on physique even after bulking. Is there something wrong with my program or is it something else?

    @seitsem%C3%A4n None of the programs I’ve looked too have excited me, they’re all low when it comes to volume and variety and usually don’t run 5 days. They’re usually either 3-4 or 6-7 days a week.
  5. M

    Haven’t made much progress on lifts on physique even after bulking. Is there something wrong with my program or is it something else?

    I’ve been running PHAT with some modifications for years now and I haven’t progressed much with my upper body lifts. My bench hasn’t gone up in months even after starting a bulk. My overhead press is also less than half my bench. I’ve made some progress on my deadlift and squat and other lower...