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  1. D

    After Almost 2 years I admit defeat.. I don't know what to do anymore

    @evnwlsn So you said you don't want to have big muscular arms, but if you lift heavier weights in a progressive manner you will get bigger muscles which will fill the empty space in your skin some.
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    I hate to say it…all of the pull-up advice on this sub is 100% correct

    @nerissa1969 But it's not like a whole sweaty workout, it's a quick maybe 1 min at a time, spread out. All you need is to not be wearing a tight non stretchy shirt
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    Ratings of Protein Powders

    @reallytired Yes! I especially love that it doesn't have any sweetener, it doesn't need it. I hate the taste of the fake sweeteners that a lot of protein powder use