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    Anyone have their numbers of muscle to body fat % lost during cuts? How is it regaining lost muscle post cut?

    @orchardllc What method are you using to determine this data?
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    7.1 lbs of muscle in 8 weeks possible natty? (stanford university experiment, link included)

    @kpmasonry Is it possible? Probably. Is it possible for you? Probably not.
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    Is this overkill?

    @azfara How does it feel to do? What's your recovery and growth been like?
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    What’s your thoughts on the oversized t shirt?

    @righteousbyfaith Wear whatever you like, you don't need this subreddits approval to do so.
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    Bicep tendon pain

    @jbreyes777 What have your doctor or physical therapist said and recommended?
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    UPDATE: I’m having almost no luck building muscle. VIDEOS ADDED

    @hellokitty On your original post the overwhelming suggestion from folks was that you were massively over-complicating things and needed to simplify. You're now back with another extremely complicated and detailed post. If you're not going to take people's feedback into account, then what's the...