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  1. C

    My biggest gains was in happiness. Thank you r/bodyweightfitness

    @foodie20 shoulder strength would not translate much to pullups you need back and bicep strength for pullups
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    Calisthenics Intermediate Hypertrophy Program using Dr. Mike Israetel's Volume Guidelines

    @onalive Nothing is a waste of time. Your progress will be slow however.
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    Calisthenics Intermediate Hypertrophy Program using Dr. Mike Israetel's Volume Guidelines

    @dawn16 Exactly. The numbers will vary from person to person. These are just guidelines.
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    Data showing that +70% weighted chinup = OAC

    @thepuritanis lol thanks
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    Pull-ups and Science

    @this_dot Big lol at that bodybuilder mindset that makes people believe that pullups are a lat exercise and chinups are a biceps exercise.
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    Data showing that +70% weighted chinup = OAC

    @nelnel One Arm Chinup
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    Data showing that +70% weighted chinup = OAC

    @jesusisafriend Your new conclusion is better than the previous one
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    Calisthenics Intermediate Hypertrophy Program using Dr. Mike Israetel's Volume Guidelines

    @clifton50 For strength, increasing the weight/intensity is a better approach
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    Calisthenics Intermediate Hypertrophy Program using Dr. Mike Israetel's Volume Guidelines

    @dawn16 The programs mentioned are just examples. I highly encourage you to build your own using the volume guidelines.
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    Data showing that +70% weighted chinup = OAC

    @jesusisafriend Don't get me wrong here. I am not being skeptical and I am not stopping you from making conclusions. I never said that, did I? And I have no idea what the fuck this replication crisis is lol. The thing is that please make the correct conclusions. There is a difference between...
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    My biggest gains was in happiness. Thank you r/bodyweightfitness

    @vitopsp1 negatives and bands
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    Data showing that +70% weighted chinup = OAC

    @twobraids lol thanks
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    How I went from 0 to 40 seconds Handstand Hold in 12 Months

    @east81 lol your philosophy game is on point.. What books do you read?
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    Data showing that +70% weighted chinup = OAC

    @jesusisafriend Hello everyone. I am the guy who did the survey. What I want to say is that before analyzing any data and jumping to conclusions, there are a few limitations of the survey that you should keep in mind. For example, Very less sample size No video/image/live observation proof so...
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    Beginner Calisthenics (Mostly) Hypertrophy Program for Women

    @chenml60 I've tried to make it as balanced as possible. There are 17 weekly sets for lower body and 16 for upper body comppounds along with some additional arms and isolation work.
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    My biggest gains was in happiness. Thank you r/bodyweightfitness

    @olenka3byl Happy for your progress. Keep it up! 5 waist height incline pushups to 7 normal pushups for a woman is not bad progress at all. But yes, you can still push harder.