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  1. S

    3 month - 6 month progress post: RR only - (M/24/6'1) 155lbs-195lbs

    @mitz For ring push-ups you could just hang them from your pull-up bar. For pull-ups you need more space.
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    3 month - 6 month progress post: RR only - (M/24/6'1) 155lbs-195lbs

    @mitz 3x8 pull-ups is definitely not something to be ashamed of after 6 months. Yes, you could probably have progressed faster, but who cares? You progressed very well and you’re not a professional callisthenics athlete. You look fucking amazing and you probably feel so too. If Start you and 6...
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    At 42, it took a pandemic to get me going...but I’m about 8 weeks in and loving it

    @nicholasuk40 I also love lifting weights, but for me the fun in body weight training is progressing to harder exercises. So I’ll consistently train one type of exercise until I can’t do it anymore for strength (so I’m above 12 reps or so). Then I progress to a fancier exercise, which is again...
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    7x5 Incline pushup twice a day

    @albatro55 Awesome man! Great to have you here. I’m psyched to hear from you again in a month. You can see (or mainly feel) very decent results in a month or two if you really commit to it and really work on your technique and control of all the movements.
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    7x5 Incline pushup twice a day

    @albatro55 Okay man, first of all, please for the love of god use interpunction when you write. Now it just looks like one giant ramble and you make it way more difficult to read and understand than it needs to be. Secondly, I’ll answer all of your questions and give remarks: Okay, so it is...
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    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @godsu Yeah, when I watch calisthenics videos I sometimes have a hard time making out what people do with their shoulders. However, I feel like my scapulae have a larger mobility than some and the transition between passive and active is really significant.
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    Can You Build Muscle Effectively Using Calisthenics or Bodyweight Alone? A Look at the Science Surrounding Low-Load Resistance Training

    @mitchilita My answer to the title question would simply be: Yes, absolutely you can. But lifting weights is way easier and more effective for that. I also do callisthenics as a goal in itself, not to build muscle necessarily. I lift weights to build muscle.
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    6 mos update - M/35/5’10

    @pablo2210 Well, yeah, sort of. The word injury is not really clearly defined I guess. I usually go to my physical therapist when I feel like an injury is coming up. For example, last October my left shoulder started feeling a bit funky. Not super painful, but I definitely felt like an injury...
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    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @godsu Yeah, thanks. That is basically what I do right now, so I’ll just keep on doing it. Only difference is I usually go to a full dead hang at the bottom, to really train my scapular activation. I tried to keep them active last workout but I felt like I didn’t really straighten my arms. Gonna...
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    6 mos update - M/35/5’10

    @rkenoke Oh definitely. I see a physical therapist regularly just to fix imbalances and weaknesses. Injury prevention is number one priority.
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    If you are tall or heavy don't lose hope - full planche at 202cm 102kg/6'7 225lbs and other feats by heavyweight calisthenics athletes

    @serina1995 Yeah, but for me (2.03m/100kg) it’s pretty nice seeing someone with my frame doing a planche. I thought it was impossible, as I’d never ever seen anyone do it. But apparently, if I really wanted it, it would be something that is achievable in theory.
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    6 years after discovering /r/bwf

    @godsu Your lats are sick. How do you go about training them? I believe my lats are lazy and are keeping me from doing serious pulling work, so I’ve been focusing on them for a week or two. I do pull-ups, Australian pull-ups, chin-ups, commando pull-ups, tucked front levers, cable exercises...
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    6 mos update - M/35/5’10

    @rkenoke The thing is, starting callisthenics seems really difficult and scary, but once you feel them gainz coming in you can’t wait till the next session. I trained today and I’m so bummed that I have to rest tomorrow. I love chasing new progressions.
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    3 Month Progress - 189.8 to 164.0

    @acs04401 That’s a great way to put it. It doesn’t really matter how strong and how ripped you are, it just matters that you feel good and fit and that you are healthy. Quitting competitive sports is a weird feeling indeed. I was training 10 or 11 times a week just before I quit rowing and it...
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    3 Month Progress - 189.8 to 164.0

    @acs04401 Awesome! So I take it this is not so much a journey of getting stronger and better technique, but more of getting back in shape. I was a rower before and for me it’s all about learning new moves and getting more mobile.
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    How I got the Full Front Lever

    @jesusloverr They feel fantastic. As I said already, I’m 2.03 and 98kg, so that’s a lot to pull-up. Archers on a bar feel pretty much impossible for me at the moment because it forces your arm in all sorts of uncomfortable and weak positions, while on rings your arms just automatically choose...
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    3 Month Progress - 189.8 to 164.0

    @acs04401 Awesome progress! What sport were you in before?
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    How I got the Full Front Lever

    @zachariah89 Have you tried working towards the OAC on rings? I am working on the archer pull-up/OAC on rings and, while it can be an absolute attack on my upper body sometimes, I never feel like it’s something my tendons can’t handle. And that’s coming from a 2.03m 98kg giant, so that’s a lot...
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    V-sit, planche progression- is my form good ?

    @shek For the V-sit, point your toes and straighten your knees. Your lower legs seem too relaxed. Look at gymnasts, they never have relaxed feet, always pointed. For the planche, no comment.