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  1. M

    How do you all prioritize sleep especially for night owls/insomniacs?

    @bandarbo As someone who had insomnia for the longest time, the thing that "cured" me was switching jobs. I used to work crazy mixed hours, sometimes with less than 4 hours between shifts, and it really fucked up my sleep schedule. As soon as I started working a normal day job, it kind of...
  2. M

    Cardio vs weights.. what my dietitian recommended

    @kroglk51 Dieticians are not exercise scientists so I find it a little odd that your dietician gave you a fitness prescription at all. The AHA recommends 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week for overall health and longevity. I would start there and keep your strength training. 🤷‍♀️...
  3. M

    Advice as a 24 y/o lifelong dieter

    @falconeye I might be going against the grain here, but you don't have to count calories. I'll say 1) find an activity you like and consistently do it and 2) focus on getting protein at every single meal. Hate cooking? Me too. Pop into the store and buy some pre-cooked chicken breasts in the...