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  1. C

    AMA with 2x Mr Natural O and 2x Mr Universe winner /u/BattlegroundFitLirio Friday 9Jul2020 (Post Questions Here)

    @savedlongs Isometric holds... #1 way to increase the feeling of the contraction and try it with a set of 30 where every 10 reps you switch hand placement. It’ll force you to feel what changes the contraction points.
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    AMA with 2x Mr Natural O and 2x Mr Universe winner /u/BattlegroundFitLirio Friday 9Jul2020 (Post Questions Here)

    @savedlongs I really wise i could answer this as simple as you want but i cant. Im 5'5" so anything more than 5-1.2lbs every 7-10 days the first few weeks and then anything more than .25-.5 a week after that is a ton. If youre already 195 and 6'1", thats kind of middle of the road. Instead of...
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    AMA with 2x Mr Natural O and 2x Mr Universe winner /u/BattlegroundFitLirio Friday 9Jul2020 (Post Questions Here)

    @paparazi257 Hey all! Im so happy to do this and will answer as many of these as i can throughout the day so please be patient and we will keep this going!
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    AMA with 2x Mr Natural O and 2x Mr Universe winner /u/BattlegroundFitLirio Friday 9Jul2020 (Post Questions Here)

    @jem15153 I tell my clients ONE thing. Get strong... or stay shredded. If you really think strength and size, dont actively seek to just gain a ton of weight, but focus on the GOAL... not the part you dont like about getting there. Leverage, recovery, strength, and even diet break leeways all...
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    Entered my first NPC Natural Men's Physique Competition this past weekend!!

    @jrsj21152731 What's specifically did you do in the 72 hours prior to the show and into show day with: water, salt, carbs (what type as well), workout and cardio, sleep. It's one or more of those that may have been tackling and old school drug ridden athlete tactic instead of natural protocols...
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    AMA with 2x Mr Natural O and 2x Mr Universe winner /u/BattlegroundFitLirio Friday 9Jul2020 (Post Questions Here)

    @hessville47 So yes and no. I know the day before what muscle group and what i wanna do exercise wise and what training mentality to use for the block. I would say if I wake up and feel froggy, Its easy to do intuitive training. If i feel a bit run down or didnt sleep well, I ease off.
  7. C

    Entered my first NPC Natural Men's Physique Competition this past weekend!!

    @jrsj21152731 You seem to have really smoothed out by the stage man. You actually looked drier and stage ready in the side by side where as on rage you may have messed up your carb up and water schedule. How did you FEEL day of?